Aviation Halloween Costume Ideas


Pre-takeoff checklist
Dec 13, 2012
Raleigh, NC
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With Halloween right around the corner, I'm looking for ideas to make an aviation themed costume. Any good ideas out there? If you have a pic, please post it. Thanks!
Wife and I did a loose version of Maverick and Goose. She was Maverick.
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A witch, buzz light year, an angel, Felix baumgartner. Lol

If there were a walking dead type situation like the show, I'd go to airports and grab a helo or two, take back to the farm/prison and use it for further scouting and recon. Figured I'd throw that out there.
You could dress as a VASI. When you get toasted turn both lights on white.
Wife and I did a loose version of Maverick and Goose. She was Maverick.



Nice. Didn't happen to run into anyone dressed as Kelly McGillis, did ya? Maybe someone being true to her current lifestyle choice?

...I know, I'm terrible. Sorry ;)
Nice. Didn't happen to run into anyone dressed as Kelly McGillis, did ya? Maybe someone being true to her current lifestyle choice?

...I know, I'm terrible. Sorry ;)

It wasn't THAT kind of party....... :)
We went as Blue Angels one year (wings, navy patches, etc....).

If you're in the DC Area and want to see aviation/space Haloween, do NOT miss the Air and Scare event this Saturday at the National Air and Space Museum's Udvar-Hazy Center at Dulles Airport.

Lots of kids and adults in costume to include some rather professional Star Wars types, lots of fun and candy for the kids (nice to have Adrienne Mars of m&m fame as a museum befefactor).

Educational and fun. I'll be in the IMAX theatre running the free Jetsons cartoon.