Awesome. Thank you.
It doesn't seem like a logical result, but since when has that stopped the feds?
Reviewing the bidding, I may have been confused about who was asking what. This goes back to the original discussion several weeks ago. Reviewing my notes, let's summarize this again.
If you are starting with no ATP at all, and you take the current ATP-Airplane written before Aug 1, you can take an initial ATP practical test for AMEL/S class rating within 24 months of taking that written without taking either the 61.156 training or the new ATP-AME written. However, if you take the ASEL/S practical test first and do not complete an AME additional class rating practical test before Aug 1, you will not be able to take the AME additional class rating without taking the 61.156 training and new ATP-AME written. The key in this situation is to make sure you take an AME practical test (land or sea) first,
then (if you want) add the ASEL or ASES later.
If you are starting with an ATP with an ASE rating but no AME rating, unless you complete an ATP-AME practical test before Aug 1, you will have to do the 61.156 training and the new ATP-AME written before you take that practical test after Jul 31.
If you currently hold an ATP in some other category with no Airplane category rating, 61.165(c) applies:
(c) Airplane category rating with a multiengine class rating. A person applying for an airline transport certificate with an airplane category and multiengine class rating who holds an airline transport certificate with another aircraft category rating must:
(1) Meet the eligibility requirements of Sec. 61.153 of this part;
(2) After July 31, 2014, successfully complete the airline transport pilot certification training program specified in § 61.156;
(3) Pass a knowledge test for an airplane category multiengine class rating or type rating on the aeronautical knowledge areas of § 61.155(c);
(4) Comply with the requirements in Sec. 61.157(b) of this part, if appropriate;
(5) Meet the aeronautical experience requirements of § 61.159 or § 61.160; and
(6) Pass the practical test on the areas of operation of Sec. 61.157(e)(2) of this part. you are going to have to take an ATP-Airplane written test to add an Airplane cat/class rating. If you take the current ATP-Airplane test before Aug 1, you will be able to take the ATP-AME practical test before Aug 1. However, in this case, if you don't do the AME practical test by Aug 1, the regulation says you will have to take the 61.156 training whether you have previously passed a written or not -- see 61.165(c)(2). Note that in this case the job aid produced by Flight Standards linked above contradicts the actual regulation, and when that happens, the actual regulation takes precedence. What's a bit fuzzy is if you take the current ATP-Airplane written but don't do the practical test before Aug 1, will you have to take the new written before doing the AME additional cat/class practical test? The job aid says "no", but the regulation says you must in this case "Pass a knowledge test for an airplane category
multiengine class rating", and the current test is only for Airplane category, not ME class. Is that good enough?
This may need to be resolved between AFS and AGC, and they've had their food fights before (generally ending in favor of the Chief Counsel when it comes to what the reg says versus what AFS wants). Either way, despite what the job aid says, the regulation says you cannot avoid doing the 61.156 training if you don't get that AME rating on your non-Airplane ATP before Aug 1.
You will note that the best situation to be in right now is not to have an ATP at all. That's the only way you can avoid having to do the 61.156 training and the new ATP-AME written if you don't get your ATP-AME practical test before Aug 1. If you already hold an ATP with either ASE or other category rating, you'd better get 'er done by Aug 1 your be ready to do the 61.156 training and the new written.
BTW, this seems to me like a hose job for anyone who already has an ATP, since the requirements are (at least for the next 24 months) lighter for people who don't have any ATP at all if they get the current ATP-Airplane written done before Aug 1, but that's the way AFS-200 made it happen, so if you want to blame someone, blame them.