Tied Down
That would only work if the Feds were onboard and mandated it. What do you think the odds of that would be in our current extremely union un-friendly environment ?
I disagree. It'd work if the Unions had the balls to toss anyone who wouldn't play. Government didn't originally mandate Master Electricians AFAIK. The Electrician's Union said every job had to have one first. Regulation came later, I believe. It was a way for the Union to prove the "worth" of the product they were providing and the Union put the requirement to use the rankings in their contracts with employers. (They probably also slashed the tires of any dissenters, but I figured I'd leave out their real power base... in many Trades. Only time I've ever seen a 350 lb bank VP run, and I mean run, across a room, was in Cincinatti where I started to unpack a shipping crate not remembering that it was a Teamster's town. Apparently he didn't want his tires slashed. LOL.)