ATC instruction to divert

Peter Ha

Pre-takeoff checklist
Nov 18, 2019
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Hey folks,
Yesterday SoCal Approach asked me to divert left to avoid plane.
Question; do I keep turning left or maintain a 15-30deg left course? And how long should I maintain this course before return to destination? Do I need ask resume to destination?
Not sure. Every time I've been instructed to alter course for traffic, I either let them know when I can see the traffic and they allow me to return on course, or they call to state that the traffic is no factor and I can turn back on course. Did they forget about you?
What exactly was their verbiage? I’m guessing the controller didn’t actually say ‘divert left’ because that’s nonstandard and very ambiguous.
My old stock radio made it difficult to understand clearly what controller said. What I did catch was traffic at 2 o'clock and turn left to avoid.
Hmmm. I typically get turn left/right 10 deg for traffic and sometimes a heading like left to 120. After the conflict is over I’ve always received either a vector or a resume instruction.
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Once I got a call form ATC that said "expedited descent to 3000"...we were at 4500 so I pulled some power, and dove down keeping just at the yellow arc in the bumps.
About two or three minutes later, "altitude, your discretion".
Never saw anything on iPad or GPS, and no explanation.
Always made me wonder how close we really were or if it was a mistake of some sort.

We were definitely looking for traffic though.

In your case, I'd stay on the diversion for a few minutes, and if you don't see any traffic, maybe call them back indicating negative traffic and ask if you need to maintain heading.

Or you could just say 'request'. ;)
Once I got a call form ATC that said "expedited descent to 3000"...we were at 4500 so I pulled some power, and dove down keeping just at the yellow arc in the bumps.
About two or three minutes later, "altitude, your discretion".
Never saw anything on iPad or GPS, and no explanation.
Always made me wonder how close we really were or if it was a mistake of some sort.

We were definitely looking for traffic though.

In your case, I'd stay on the diversion for a few minutes, and if you don't see any traffic, maybe call them back indicating negative traffic and ask if you need to maintain heading.

Or you could just say 'request'. ;)
The bold part is the part that's funny. Why ask SGOTI what to do a day after you could have asked ATC? (Yeah, I realize there's an answer to that - bad radios)
I keep turning left or maintain a 15-30deg left course?

Turn 10-15 degrees left. ATC will tell you if you need more

And how long should I maintain this course before return to destination?

Till "traffic no factor" or you have a visual and are clear of traffic conflict, then resume own nav.

Do I need ask resume to destination?

Not really but if unsure "SoCal, Negative Contact on traffic, can I resume own nav?"

You were not given a instruction like "fly heading 210" were just advised to veer left to avoid bending are still VFR and free to fly where you want...with their help.
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Usually, they only turn you until you're clear of the conflict, or have them in sight and can maintain visual separation, then tell you to resume own navigation. This is where ADS-B in, either using a Stratus/GDL or using your onboard transponder, is very helpful. You can identify the traffic more easily and then also identify when you are clear of the conflict.
If they give you a heading or altitude restriction, be sure to remind the next controller of this when switching. If 5-10 minutes they have not gotten back to you, then call them with “do you still need me on xxx heading?”
In my experience, heading changes are temporary, but altitude changes are permanent. But they usually will ask “Mooney, can you take a higher altitude”, they do this around class bravos when you will be crossing arrival or departure courses.
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totally strange. Im no controller, but im sure one of the controllers on here will pop in soon enough, but the term divert should not be used in this case. divert, means to go a different destination. deviate, is the term that is used to alter course. also, i have never been given a traffic vector without being given a heading or amount of turn the controller wanted.
If they give you a heading or altitude restriction, be sure to remind the next controller of this when switching.

Bit of a thread drift but if given such I always open the next controller with "SoCal, Skylane 12345 Level 3,500, heading 1-2-0 restricted"
I give suggestions, such as “N1DB, suggest you turn 20 degrees left for traffic” and then “resume own navigation”.

The thing to remember is that the closer you are to the traffic, the bigger the turn needs to be to get away (assuming head-on). If I got the instruction the way OP did, I’d give a good 30 degree turn until I got more information. If I never heard “traffic no factor” or “resume own navigation”, I’d ask after a minute or two for an update.
The only time I heard 'divert' was followed by 'an alternate airport', 'cuz someone forgot to complete their GUMPS check and had a record short landing.