Taxi to Parking
I also have access to a receiver. Well airplane co-owner has one. As does anyone else who did XM weather years ago with ChartCase.
Yeah, but you can't plug it into an iPad...
The adapter to get from that receiver to the iPad has been out for a few months now, which is why I was thinking FF would announce support at OSH.
No, it isn't. It was announced a few months ago. According to their web site, it's shipping today. (We'll see.)
This much touted "rapid development cycle", isn't pointed at the things 80% of their users will utilize.
Sorry, I call BS. I know you want in-flight weather - So do I. But what good does it do to show up at OSH saying "Hey everyone, we've got in-flight weather, as long as you buy hardware that isn't available yet"?????
Quote from a ForeFlighter at OSH: "In-flight weather is a top priority." Patience, grasshopper - You'll see it very soon.
They're not even to that point yet, still piles of features behind where ChartCase was years ago, and they're playing house with the big avionics kids.
If all you want is features... Go elsewhere. Much like Apple, ForeFlight wants to make sure that when they do implement features, they do so in a way that works really well, rather than just throwing it in there so they can check a box in a brochure. To quote Aviation Consumer, who recently named ForeFlight the "Best App" in their "Gear of the Year" awards - And frankly, Aviation Consumer has NOT generally been kind to ForeFlight:
"This app is as strong for what it does as for what it doesn’t, which is to overreach with a bunch of useless features most owners would never use. It’s a good, easy-to-use general flight planner, chart manager and weather getter. It does these functions superbly, without stumbling all over itself trying to do everything else. In app writing, restraint is to be admired."
So - weather will be here soon, I'm sure... And it will be done *well*. That's the most important thing of all.
I get the distinct impression the FF leadership fly in aircraft already equipped with on-board IFR GPSs and Weather. Thus, low priority. Getting their flight plan into the PFD took precedence.
None of them have Aspen units. AFAIK, Jason is the only aircraft owner of them all (SR22). They're just like you and me.
I'll keep sending money. Just hoping they get their priorities straightened out. There were at least two "hungry" companies I saw in other booths that had already matched the early feature-set that took FF a year, and one was only two months old.
I'm curious who you think they are - I took a look at a lot of apps, and I still don't think anyone has come close to ForeFlight's combination of features *and* ease of use. GlobalNavSource has XM weather, but they don't even do any flight planning at all. Flight Guide has a pretty nice app except that it appears all of the airport data is on one PDF/image file, the type is really small and you have to zoom it to get anything useful. etc etc etc...
One had integrated Google Earth airport imagery
Only that which you load by looking at it manually on the ground.
If I had an Aspen, I might care. Since I don't, it looks like a distraction to me from the perspective of a "core" customer.
If you had two things you wanted to get done before OSH, one of which would take a day, maybe two and make a fairly big splash, and the other one of which was going to take some significant time and be a primary feature for many users in the years ahead, would you not take the time to get the second one right rather than push it out the door for OSH and potentially ruin your app's major advantage?