Touchdown! Greaser!
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If Burt and Dom can do it, why not?
1.Same question here. I am having a hard time believing this is for a 3rd Class many years after the DUI.
2.If it is, it's perhaps sad, and anyone caught in it would be rightly angry... But there's other hobbies.
3.I can handle thinking someone's driven enough to push through to fly recreationally because they really want to fly, too.
4.But there's details missing that still make me quite skeptical that this is all made up or we're not getting the whole story.
5.Running off Doc Bruce was also a serious mistake. I can't think of a person more dedicated to helping other pilots get a medical and fly.
Who is forcing you into some kind of program? How is this ruining your life? You have already said you are not trying to save your job. Are you just trying to get an FAA medical to fly recreationally?
Zoom, is this you?
who is zoom?
1. This is what makes this a nightmare. Everyone I know is in complete shock this is happening to me. Doctors, medical students, pilots, everyone.
2. I'm determined to fly, and the word quit has never appeared next to my name. I'm also not an animal so I'm not just going to do the HIMS Program to fly.
3. Yes I really just want to fly, most pilots probably would do anything to fly?
4. Do not be skeptical, there is a legitimate basis for the anti-psychiatry movement. Its the thinking that no matter what you do you are forever diseased that has everyone fired up. And they close the loophole by saying if you don't see it, its because there is something in your brain making you not see it. It really is a catastrophe against humanity.
5. No not really, Doc Bruce believes it is a disease, so he really can't help me.
The HIMS Psychiatrist actually said I'm in remission, I just don't agree with him that I'm an animal with no self control. And I don't see how he's in a position to make an opinion about my brain when he himself is the lowest form of human on this planet, that his very existence is a waste of biological material.
I know i'll be able to fly, I just hope to minimize my Psychiatric torture in the process.
Someone else who thinks that he doesn't have a problem and that the world is out to get him.
If Burt and Dom can do it, why not?
The question to answer is whether you are drinking at all anymore (even a beer after work).
I don't ask as a judgmental question, as I actually agree with your points by and large, but as a curiosity question. Since all of this happened, have you cracked a beer since?
But the BAC was a doozie, or if no BAC, the sobriety check was a doozie. You were Tolerant, meaning much quiet past abuse.I got one DUI not 3.
You seem to forget. You can walk away from it. You don't have to spend 100% of your income on the program. You seem to forget that YOU got the DUI. Actions have consequences.
You don't have to work in aviation. Really.
My difficulties are trying to devise minimal expense components to the non 121 guy who doesn't have union benefits and protections. Like my guy who works full time for a charter company. HE realizes that he is going to have the government in his life, for two years. Under the interstate commerce clause, the FEDS regulate the sky, not the states.
But at least he gets to keep filling his logbook with Citation Mustang time, and KA 200 time
LOL! I got a new phrase from this thread. "Embrace the suck!"
Regardless of the answer to that question, shouldn't there be some evidence that the problem still exists before a person is coerced into a program? Would it perhaps be appropriate to undertake a medical evaluation of whether the person involved really has sobered up?
No, the opposite, they are already convicted screwups; by all rights they should not expect to hold a license that puts them in a position of public trust. The HIMS program is like parole, it's a gift, but it comes with stipulations where you have to continue to prove worthiness of that trust. If you don't like it you can go f- yourself and turn in your ticket.
I agree.I'm skeptical of the assumption "once a scewup, always a screwup." It's just too cynical for my taste.
On the other hand, I do find myself wondering why he doesn't just go with the flow and cooperate with the program, instead of spending money on lawyers.
Why don't you think before you attack someone? I live in parents basement work multiple jobs and 100% of my income goes to lawyers and Psychiatrists. I have sacrificed my education and hobbies.
Do I think the world is out to get me? No. Has my life been completely and fully screwed over? Yes. So keep your little commentary to yourself.
HIMS - you screwed the pooch. Nobody did this to you, for you, or about you. You did this to yourself all by yourself. Accept it. Embrace the suck. Roll in it and enjoy the smell of it. You bought and paid for it, it's yours. Quit feeling sorry about it and start to accept it.
Is the system screwed up? Yup. Did you know that before you stepped into it? If you didn't, you should have. Can you fix it now that you've stepped in it? Nope, at least not easily or cheaply. Is there a way to fix it? Yes, a couple of them - work through the system as it is today, or move to a different country where the system doesn't apply.
And while I'm at it - how 'bout we just fess up and quit saying "just a bit over .15" and call it .16? Driving limit is .08, flying limit is .04. Over is over, it doesn't matter how much. You were WAY over either standard, no point in shaving corners here.
Psychiatry is a whole 'nuther argument - but the basis of the argument here is that it's not a mental or philosophical argument - it's a physical one. You were drunk by anyones measure of the definition, you proved it beyond doubt, and you proved beyond doubt the lack of reasoning required to get drunk recreationally without impacting the public around you. It is now required of you to go through the procedures in place to show you have "improved" yourself to a standard acceptable to that same public in order to be employed in the service of the public, if you choose to do so. Nobody requires you to do this - just as nobody requires you to be employed in this line of work, and nobody required you to be publically drunk when you were arrested. Your choice, your results.
Suck it up and deal.
I guess it had to be spelled out by someone.
If my response to HIMS offends anyone, well, grow a pair and get over it.
LOL! I got a new phrase from this thread. "Embrace the suck!"
I'm skeptical of the assumption "once a scewup, always a screwup." It's just too cynical for my taste.
On the other hand, I do find myself wondering why he doesn't just go with the flow and cooperate with the program, instead of spending money on lawyers.
I agree with you that all this is punishment for past DUI. I just don't see why I have to go under extra punishment because I want to be a pilot.
I have to go under extra punishment because I want to be a pilot.
When you fly an airplane with passengers you assume much more responsibility than 99 percent of Americans. Just think of it as punishment for being in the one percent.
...t I'm not going to sit back and pretend like nothing's wrong and be glad to have my rights, that's what they used to tell the slaves.
...t I'm not going to sit back and pretend like nothing's wrong and be glad to have my rights, that's what they used to tell the slaves.
I'm not going into commercial flying. This is just as a hobby. I'll go with the flow but I'm not going to sit back and pretend like nothing's wrong and be glad to have my rights, that's what they used to tell the slaves.
As a guy with a >0.15 DUI I'd be more worried about the guys not complaining about the program.
You're not going to fly passengers? Friends / Family? You should have just gone for the LSA..... no medical... too bad you missed out on that one.
Back to Babbitt for a second. What with his arrest coming so close before the release of the new duty/rest rules what do you want to bet that the UPS and Fedex lobbyists picked up his bar tab?
I can’t regulate the person who’s just going to flat out do the wrong thing. I can’t write a rule that’s going to work if I’m dealing with a person who’s going to ignore it. Our training now is so sophisticated, so realistic that it’s hard to imagine a scenario that can’t be recreated in a virtual world. But no training, no matter how good is going to help someone who thinks that situational awareness is a slogan that we only use during check rides. The right thing to do is always the right thing to do.
The larger question must be asked and answered: Have we created a safety culture? That’s the linchpin here, because safety is a shared responsibility — shared by FAA and the manufacturers and the carriers and the pilots alike; shared by all of us in the aviation community. Total perfection is not realistic but we can make it the norm not the exception.
And that should not stop us from striving to climb to that next level of safety or professionalism. As members of the aviation community we have a shared responsibility to make that happen.
That responsibility is what drives me as FAA Administrator
...MUCH cheaper...
Is it an expensive process if he doesn't fight it? What type of expenses are incurred?
HIMS program: if all you are going to do is third class aviation, all you need to do is lay off of certification for ten years since your DUI. After that time, if you can prove NO new events, (DL search), they will certify you with three letters of reference from the community.
MUCH cheaper.
Otherwise stop whining.
My BS-O-Meter is either broken or reading off the scale.