Touchdown! Greaser!
Well I have to assume you are in the shackle(s) of the HIMS system right now-and I 'm not going to launch into a debate with an anon, and you are not glad that you can continue to work..Doc Bruce,
I agree that ATPs shouldn't lose their careers for a DUI. However, the HIMS Program is a sick joke against people without any problems. The more of an over achiever you are, the more you say you don't have a problem (and have demonstrated so through years of exemplary behavior) the more you are in 'denial'. The more of a dry drunk you are.
It is a crime against humanity. I am not going to argue with you about wether or not alcoholism is a disease or not. Because it is not. There are not major players in the field of cancer research arguing that cancer is not a disease. There are however, many established professors of medicine and psychiatry arguing there is no disease and that Psychiatry has no scientific basis. We do have some vague knowledge of genetic predispositions, but even for something as serious as Schizophrenia there is absolutely no way to assign a diagnosis based on genetic information. With the advancement of DNA sequencing and other methods of gene marking we might get a better understanding of risk but thats all it can ever be is an illusion of risk.
The Nazi Psychiatrists did make fake diagnosis to kill millions of people, but the HIMS Psychiatrists are FORCING people to believe they have a disease, in my opinion this is actually worse. The less of an alcoholic you are, the more you are in denial. Drapetomania was a biological disease to that slaves had who ran away to freedom. I am not making this up. Alcoholism is a moral failing, it only appears to be a disease. IN soviet Russia political dissenters of communism also had a brain disease. You should really study the history of the misuse of psychiatry, then think really hard about what they are doing.
I argue that HIMS Psychiatrists are committing crimes against humanity through the misuse of psychiatry for political purposes. I am very firm on my position.
If what I am saying sounds too rational just tell yourself I am in 'denial'. After all the more reasonable I sound the more in denial I must be right? The HIMS Program is a sick joke, that's what I 'SMELL'
The FAA defines alcohol abuse as "the use of alcohol in a situation that creates a public danger" which translates to "outside the home....driving....flying....". This was essentially, CONGRESSIONALLY MANDATED. You know that 80% of folks who think they can "compartmentalize" and only drink when off, eventually spill over into the workplace?
I'm not going to dignify your "NAZI" or "Crimes against" commentary. When you do a PET scan on the brain of a guy that a psych says has an addiction problem, the radiologist can double blind pick it out of the crowd (less so in remission but the "r' value is still quite good). If I'm right about you, your ARE in denial.
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