Are warnings needed on large purses <g>?

Dave Siciliano

Final Approach
Feb 27, 2005
Dallas, Texas
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Dave Siciliano
Had some things happen at lunch today; here's a short excerpt from something I wrote about it.



Next, I move to get a glass of tea. There are a couple choices. I put my tray and salad on the little bar that runs in front of the drink area; get some ice, slide it down a bit and begin filling my glass with tea. Meanwhile, a woman who put ice in her glass behind me slides up to the drink dispenser behind me and lowers her arm (with a big purse on it) to fill her drink cup. In one deft move, she has dropped a pretty large purse on my salad which is under where the drink dispenser she is using is. So, what does one say in a circumstance like this? Uh, hey lady, I really didn’t order a purse on my salad?

BTW, this was not a small purse. Looking at it reminded me of a footlocker I was assigned as a new guy in the Army many years ago, but the ends were a bit rounded, it wasn’t Olive Green and it had a shoulder strap. I’ve been injured by smaller purses in many instances. You know, sitting on the aisle in the show when a lady walks by and quickly turns around for some reason not understanding the laws of centripetal force and baps you on the head without even knowing it occurred. Now, I don’t sit on the aisle any more. I’d like some of the attorneys out there to let us ordinary folks why these purses don’t come with warnings like all the other things one purchases today. You know, if the coffee at McDonalds has to warn one it’s hot, and the hair dryer tells you not to use it in the bathtub, why in the world isn’t there a warning on larger purses like: quickly wheeling around in close quarters can cause blunt force trauma to bystanders!
You could have said... "Ya know? I've got a flight bag abouit that size in my airplane. It holds flight manuals and navigation charts for the entire US. It doesn't look quite as stylish but the size is close!"
She broke the cardinal rule of carrying a purse of ANY size:

Never hold a cup of liquid with the arm that is supporting the purse. I don't care if the purse is on your shoulder - that arm/hand is only meant to actually hold the purse, the other one to hold liquids/food.

She is clearly an amateur and must give her Chloe bag back to Nordstroms.
LOL! Just today I had an aisle seat on Amtrak, DC-NYC... got whacked with about 50 purses... :mad:
Some of them hurt- wonder what they had in there... :D
My wife continues to note, when I complain about the size or presence of her purse, that whenever I need something - she can invariably reach into that thing and pull it out. Lip balm? Here it is. Sinus meds - sure darling. Pen or paper, you betcha. Flashlight? uh-huh. Etc etc. I swear she could pull out a martini with two olives if I asked her!
My wife continues to note, when I complain about the size or presence of her purse, that whenever I need something - she can invariably reach into that thing and pull it out. Lip balm? Here it is. Sinus meds - sure darling. Pen or paper, you betcha. Flashlight? uh-huh. Etc etc. I swear she could pull out a martini with two olives if I asked her!

I started laughing as I read this thread, so the fiancee had me read it aloud. "Don't you say a damn thing about my 'purse!' I can many times have I carried stuff for you..."

It's true, though...I've never needed anything that couldn't be found in that damned purse, I don't think. I'm pretty sure she has at least a couple purses that are bigger than the trunk of the clown-car of a rental car I drove last time I was TDY!
Well, my diatribe was about the entire lunch experience in the 'big city'. This was just part of the enchilada.

Another urban challenge concerns when we go to lunch and how we get there:

Seems everyone goes to lunch at the same time. Here in Dallas, many commute to lunch. Seems as if everyone runs to their car at the same time and all come out like horses out the opening gate of a race; all rushing to the same few places. Many drivers seem to have been programmed in bianary code: one equals accelerator to the floor—zero is stop. Speed limites don’t matter when goin ta lunch—full speed ahead, even though they haven’t decided where to eat. Stop lights don’t seem to mean much--just go for it. I’m willing to bet many ¼ mile speed records would fall if the proper certification authorities just set up devices between a few work places and where folks go to lunch. Course, they all arrive at the same few places at the same time.
[FONT=&quot]Then, wait in line to have the new order taker try to take their order at Jason’s Deli (or wherever). [/FONT]
Uh, hey lady, I really didn’t order a purse on my salad?

I'm thinkin I'd head back to the source of the salad and start over on a new one. Chances are the bottom of that purse has been in a lot of things I'd rather not have in my salad. I'd also be willing to bet that there wasn't anything you could have said to the purse carrier that would have improved her behavior.
Well, my diatribe was about the entire lunch experience in the 'big city'. This was just part of the enchilada.

Another urban challenge concerns when we go to lunch and how we get there:

Seems everyone goes to lunch at the same time. Here in Dallas, many commute to lunch. Seems as if everyone runs to their car at the same time and all come out like horses out the opening gate of a race; all rushing to the same few places. Many drivers seem to have been programmed in bianary code: one equals accelerator to the floor—zero is stop. Speed limites don’t matter when goin ta lunch—full speed ahead, even though they haven’t decided where to eat. Stop lights don’t seem to mean much--just go for it. I’m willing to bet many ¼ mile speed records would fall if the proper certification authorities just set up devices between a few work places and where folks go to lunch. Course, they all arrive at the same few places at the same time.
[FONT=&quot]Then, wait in line to have the new order taker try to take their order at Jason’s Deli (or wherever). [/FONT]
Dave, this is why there are clubs in the cities.

I hate to say it, but you can't wrestle with a cow. You have to exclude them. This is piggish, but not sexist. In a club you can exclude whomever you wish and somebody has to recommend someone else to eve be consided by the whole.
I'm thinkin I'd head back to the source of the salad and start over on a new one. Chances are the bottom of that purse has been in a lot of things I'd rather not have in my salad. I'd also be willing to bet that there wasn't anything you could have said to the purse carrier that would have improved her behavior.
I don't know. I might trust the bottom of the purse more than some folk's hands. I can't tell you how frequently I would use a restroom in any given business office and I would see men come out of the toilet stall or urinal, walk right past the wash basin and leave the room. Not the least effort to wash their hands. The type and prestige of office made no difference. :eek:
I'm thinkin I'd head back to the source of the salad and start over on a new one. Chances are the bottom of that purse has been in a lot of things I'd rather not have in my salad.
I don't let anyone put their purse on my kitchen counter or kitchen table.

Speaking of purses. My purse/backpack also carries my first aid kit... a few of you have been on the receiving end. :)
I don't know. I might trust the bottom of the purse more than some folk's hands. I can't tell you how frequently I would use a restroom in any given business office and I would see men come out of the toilet stall or urinal, walk right past the wash basin and leave the room. Not the least effort to wash their hands. The type and prestige of office made no difference. :eek:

Well, chances are some of those hands have touched the bottom of that purse too, and FWIW, if someone put their hands in my salad before I was finished eating it, I'd want a new salad then as well.
My wife continues to note, when I complain about the size or presence of her purse, that whenever I need something - she can invariably reach into that thing and pull it out. Lip balm? Here it is. Sinus meds - sure darling. Pen or paper, you betcha. Flashlight? uh-huh. Etc etc. I swear she could pull out a martini with two olives if I asked her!
That's a ****ing myth and you know it. The purse is actually a portal to black holes. What goes in may never come out, it's in there somewhere.
I'm thinkin I'd head back to the source of the salad and start over on a new one. Chances are the bottom of that purse has been in a lot of things I'd rather not have in my salad. I'd also be willing to bet that there wasn't anything you could have said to the purse carrier that would have improved her behavior.
Typical engine ear. Trying to reconfigure the parameters. This aint the Kobyashu Maru.
I don't know. I might trust the bottom of the purse more than some folk's hands. I can't tell you how frequently I would use a restroom in any given business office and I would see men come out of the toilet stall or urinal, walk right past the wash basin and leave the room. Not the least effort to wash their hands. The type and prestige of office made no difference. :eek:

Well ya know, some of us were taught to not pee on our hands. :rofl:
I'm thinkin I'd head back to the source of the salad and start over on a new one. Chances are the bottom of that purse has been in a lot of things I'd rather not have in my salad. I'd also be willing to bet that there wasn't anything you could have said to the purse carrier that would have improved her behavior.

Maybe take the salad and dump it IN the purse? "I didn't know you wanted this but it'll be easier to carry in HERE." :D
I placed my order at a hamburger joint once and was standing there waiting for it to be filled. Another guy comes up to order and was also standing there as they place my food on the counter. He assumes it is his order and begins grazing on my fries. When they called me to pick up my order I requested a new order of fries, the guy gets all p***ed off telling me how his hands were cleaner than mine... etc. The nerve of some people.
That's a ****ing myth and you know it. The purse is actually a portal to black holes. What goes in may never come out, it's in there somewhere.

truer words were never spoken. I don't care how big or small the purse is, just try finding your damn keys in it.
I was at the luggage store this past summer and saw this cool little messenger bag. I thought it would be cool to carry a few things in when I am not lugging about my large briefcase/computer bag. I can fit my camera, a book, reading glasses a few pens, my moleskin and some breathe mints. I used it on my last trip to Seattle and it was great! It is also water proof so I was very happy. That is until my gay brother in law started calling it my 'man purse' and Karen started asking me to carry stuff in it for her. CRAPLE!
food hygiene

off telling me how his hands were cleaner than mine... etc. The nerve of some people.
haha, only in a small town restaurant:
My chicken strips arrived dead cold, I asked the waitress if she could warm them up please. She reached over and jabbed them a few times with her finger and said, 'why they shore are honeey, I'll heat these right up for yoo!'
um no thanks, I lost my appetite! (had to ask the manager to 'fix it')
The not so tactful way to get your point across.

"Excuse me, Maam, but I notice you have some salad dressing on your purse. I would hate to see you get it all over yourself. Now if you don't mind I'd like to squeeze by and get another salad. Thankyouverymuch.

I was at the luggage store this past summer and saw this cool little messenger bag. I thought it would be cool to carry a few things in when I am not lugging about my large briefcase/computer bag. I can fit my camera, a book, reading glasses a few pens, my moleskin and some breathe mints. I used it on my last trip to Seattle and it was great! It is also water proof so I was very happy. That is until my gay brother in law started calling it my 'man purse' and Karen started asking me to carry stuff in it for her. CRAPLE!

It IS a "Man Purse." :D
I heard urine is sterile.
Healthy urine is sterile. But there can be bacteria and blood in urine if the person excreting it has a medical condition.

Just as a side note drinking urine in a survival seating is not the best solution to hydration. Urine contains very concentrated salts and minerals and can do more harm than good. If you were ever in such a situation you can distill the water from the urine using a couple of techniques such as evaporation.
OT but this thread reminded me of the story about the kid standing in the checkout line with his mother. The rather large lady in front of them had her pager go off. The kid said "Watch out mom, she's gonna back up."
I gave up carrying a purse a long time ago. Now all I carry is an Aerostich Courier bag. In pink.

Wait a sec. I shouldn't say 'carry', I should say 'wear'.


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I was at the luggage store this past summer and saw this cool little messenger bag. I thought it would be cool to carry a few things in when I am not lugging about my large briefcase/computer bag. I can fit my camera, a book, reading glasses a few pens, my moleskin and some breathe mints. I used it on my last trip to Seattle and it was great! It is also water proof so I was very happy. That is until my gay brother in law started calling it my 'man purse' and Karen started asking me to carry stuff in it for her. CRAPLE!
The truth is coming out! :D
I always used to make fun of the fact that my better half took a long time to find anything in her purse. Most of her purses really aren't that big, either! Then one time I went to find her ringing cell phone in her purse while she was driving. Long story short, I don't make fun of her so much for that any more ;).