I wouldn't be sure of anything until it gets announced. Nobody really knows what Apple will do but Apple and there's a huge market for rumor sites that are mostly giving educated guesses.
If they do end up not renewing it, it would be nice if foreflight would release a desktop app. I'd rather just carry a 13" MBP or an ultrabook around than use the larger iPads but that's just me.
As far as the MBP pricing/features are concerned... I'm not looking forward to(if I do) moving to the USB-C model. Maybe it will become standard enough by then it won't be an issue. Price wise yes they're very high especially compared with a PC with equivalent features and, let's be honest, most of the same chips/hardware. That said, it's been my experience that I get 2-3x more useful life out of a macbook than I do a typical PC laptop and generally need few if any repairs. Windows is always crapping the bed and it's often a complete dice roll as far as build quality goes from most of the big name PC manufacturers. I bought my last laptop from apple's refurb store and I'm really happy with it. My wife is sitting in the living room right now still using my old MBP that I bought way back in 2011... that's some impressive longevity. My last PC is sitting on my workbench in pieces because I'm just not interested enough in it to reassemble it even though I already fixed the problem.
So, TL;DR on all that yeah you pay a price premium but I feel like you do get more than just a name and an alternative operating system.