Apparently we have run out of things to argue about

I can't open the link. My computer's bulls**** blocker won't allow that site.
I can't open the link. My computer's bulls**** blocker won't allow that site.
The big question of the hour is, are there more doors or wheels in the world? My younger coworkers say that this is actually a big thing on the Internet. I guess it beats thinking about nuclear Armageddon.
The big question of the hour is, are there more doors or wheels in the world? My younger coworkers say that this is actually a big thing on the Internet. I guess it beats thinking about nuclear Armageddon.

True. More doors would be better than more wheels in that instance I guess, especially if they lead to deep underground shelters.
No we haven’t! Hold my beer… ;)
Are you contradicting me!?!? I’m going to file a hurt feelings report with management… Oh wait, somebody else in management. I will keep fishing until I find an answer that I like.
One could morph that debate topic into something more interesting:

Should an airplane have as many doors as wings?
What constitutes a “wheel”? And for that matter, what is a door? How you define these may change the answer.
based on how many toy cars/hot wheels I have at home, wheels win hands down. It's not even close
based on how many toy cars/hot wheels I have at home, wheels win hands down. It's not even close
I was thinking about trains. Of course it matters what you count as a "door". People doors only or any door? Of course most cars have as many doors as wheels. If you count cargo doors, my airplane has more doors than wheels.

Then you think about skyscrapers. I guarantee downtown Chicago has more doors. Definitely more wheels than doors on my farm. Yet another example of the rural/urban divide. If you have more doors than wheels you hate freedom/ if you have more wheels than doors you're killing grandma...
....I guarantee downtown Chicago has more doors.....

Are you sure about that? Offices, right? All the chairs have wheels. Any equipment that is on the floor(copy, printer, etc) has wheels. Each is 4(or more often 4 pairs).
Are you sure about that? Offices, right? All the chairs have wheels. Any equipment that is on the floor(copy, printer, etc) has wheels. Each is 4(or more often 4 pairs).
You're right. It's definitely wheels.
"The Doors" sold 34 million albums in the US, and over 100 million records worldwide.

How many wheels on their tour bus?