Line Up and Wait
Their welcome to all the success they can muster. But, due to their statements on foreign soil, they lost most of their original fans.
I'm also baffled by the 'foreign soil' thing. People in Britain have television sets and computer hooked to the internet. If the Dixie Chicks had said the same thing in Texas, the British fans would have been equally aware of it.
They were in a place that they perceived to be anti-Bush and they didn't want to be painted with the same brush, so they said that they didn't like Bush either. That seems like a pretty normal thing to do.
It's not like the US can have a normal, healthy debate about issues within its borders and pretend to the outside world that everybody agrees. That's just not the world we live in. Yet debate is required for a healthy democracy.
When Hillary's president, I don't expect you to sing her praises to everybody whenever you're outside the country.