Obviously some nights are better than others, but most of my time in tension at night consists of this:
run up signal.....
run motors to mil, wipe the hell out of my controls, take my time looking at engine instruments, set the radalt for 40' which will tell me if I am about to die....
bring the launch bar switch up, put my head back, flick the pinky switch to turn on my exterior lights, put hands on racks
sit there for an eternity staring off into the black hole and thinking "this is horrible, why am I agreeing to fly into this?"
then my thoughts are suddenly stopped by the hand of god throwing me forward, and throwing my legs into my lap
Right hand slams both throttles into full blower quicker than you can imagine, and probably almost pushes them into the instrument panel I am hitting them with so much force
Pray that nothing goes wrong
As soon as I feel the rough gravel road give way to smooth flying, gear and flaps come up and I thank God for another night of being alive