What does the 2009 PBOR have to do with the 2016 Section 2307 of FESSA? Congress drafted prescriptive language in FESSA that was implemented EXACTLY as written. Please direct me to where in
AC 68-1a supports your assertion that medical conditions beyond those listed in 68.9 require a medical certificate with a SI.
2009 was where Sen Imhofe codified the standard into law: “normal natural health or its equivalent as determined by the federal air surgeon on best available medical advice”.
Adam you have failed to integrate the bits into the whole. Are you saying that the SI for
Atrial Fib
Kidney stones
Non insulin Diabetes
AVM in the brain
Stimulant use
...are all illegal because they aren’t listed?
I frequently have to remind attorneys that their parsing of any certain sections, taken OUT of the whole, is specious. They (paying me the deposition rate). spend hours & hours without understanding the rest of the refs.
What you cite in section 68.9 are the “published grounding conditions” and nothing more. They are published so that airmen cannot escape responsibility to know for those 15 conditions, that they have to have an SI (basic med onetime, or not). Operating with any of those without an authorization is ground for PILOT cert. action, e.g a pilot violation of the regs.
And none of this has anything to do with BASIC, other than to put the onus on the PILOT, who has cause to know, and not the family doc (who should know but frequently ignores “instructions to the State licensed doctor”). For these 15, if you happen to get a basic med, FAA can action your pilot certificate.
Get real. I don’t have the 7 pages from the federal register on this iPAD, but I do have them. And for this set of conditions, depression mild/mod/severe....severe (“he is struggling”) implies interference with outside world functioning.....reality (as opposed to “being treated for”) and that was meant by the congress (I was there for the early rounds) to require an SI first, B4 basic. 68.9 puts the airman on notice that he cannot simply say “I’m fine” get his blithe doc to sign, and go merrily along. This particular condition is explicitly addressed on pg 6 of 2307, does require an SI first, and the two yearly renewal (not 4), and requires supervision by a “state licensed specialist” e.g Psychiatrist. It’s all in there, go read it. Coronary disease, stroke/Epilepsy (disturbance of neurological function) are two others specifically addressed as requiring SI prior to Basic.
lndWarrior has it right.
So, Read 2307 all the way through and in detail. And also 68.9 is not what you think it is. It is “airman on notice”.
Believe what you will. I guess all those SIs are illegal because 68.9 doesn’t say so..... What a load of hockey.....even third class airmen have been flying on these SIs for the 23 years I have been an AME. But according to you, these are unnecessary SIs.
The cite is federal register HR 636 sec 2307 July 16, 2016 (from memory). The conditions that have to be cleared are listed there and have NOTHING to do with the published prohibited conditions that apply to all pilots, even flying on basic med.
.....and FYI we can get a waiver for any of them except bipolar.
Brad, late attach, see arrow in red.....the "cite" is the Congress of the United States, signed into law July 16, 2016 per the federal register of the same date.