Gilbert Buettner
Cleared for Takeoff
Perhaps the Guard has different rules. We had no touch-and-go currency rules in the regular Air Force. Any pilot could do them, and we frequently did. I was in TAC and PACAF.Here's another currency problem that we came upon when I was flying in the Guard. It was more than just hangar flying, it was an actual real world scenario that I was eventually overruled on. It gets a little in the weeds, but I'm going to try to convey as simple as I can. It deals with touch and go currency.
Three basic types of heavy pilots in the Air Force. Instructor Pilots (IP), Aircraft Commanders (AC), Copilots (CP).
Currency Restrictions:
Instructor Pilots are touch and go current if they are current for landings.
Aircraft Commanders have a touch and go currency that is different than their landing currency (i.e. they can be current for landings, but not current for touch and goes).
Copilots only have landing currency because they will always be supervised by either an IP or AC while doing touch and goes.
If you are non-current for an item (landing, touch and go, etc.) you can only regain that currency by flying with an IP.
IPs are qualified to fly in either the left or right seat. Most ACs are qualified to fly in the left seat or the right seat with an IP or another AC in the left seat.