Another highway landing

Whoa… I was just in Scotts Bluff, having flown there from Oregon…

Even had engine trouble there. Must be something in the air.
Like that the trooper stated the airplane was properly parked on the shoulder
The pilot even attached the tow bar to maneuver onto the shoulder. It sounds like his pulse didn't go above 70 during the entire incident.

I wonder if he had water in his fuel?

"He drained something into a cup" Water from the gascolator?

"He did something to the carburetor". Drained the float bowl?

With highways like that one, straight and minimal traffic, much better prospects of a fine outcome than in my part of the country.

I like that the couple stopped, in case he needed a ride, and he asked them to stay and block the highway when he departed.

State Trooper took over that duty, and all went well.
What are the rules on taking off on the highway?
Generally, any State Trooper who is willing can close traffic for a takeoff. Divided highway is preferred, but one was on a gravel country road. His excuse for landing was a towering thunderstorm behind him, another developing in front, so he landed.

I personally know two pilots who had this service provided, in Ohio, and Maryland, US 301.
What are the rules on taking off on the highway?
It varies from state to state and road to road, from completely forbidden to anything goes. It also depends on the presence and/or attitude of law enforcement. The FAA has no rules about it.

I knew of a guy who made an emergency landing on the Garden State Parkway (NJ) who got a ticket for improper entry to the highway and failure to pay the toll.