Anna Nicole Smith Dead?

She wanted to be just like Marilyn Monroe; personally I think we should congratulate her on a job well done.
C'mon guys...

Her reality TV show may have sucked (and I never did watch it) but it is sad. She has a baby daughter who is now without a mother.

...and her daughter may very well end up being better off with her mother dead. If she was learning life skills from her mother, she would likely have had a harder life than her mother. Is a life like her's anything to look forward to? It looks to me like about 40 years of misery. I don't think she was always boozed & drugged up because she was so happy.

Hopefully she'll get some good parents now, someone who will teach her everything her mom didn't know. Thats the only way she'll have a chance at a decent life...however, I doubt this will happen.
...and her daughter may very well end up being better off with her mother dead. If she was learning life skills from her mother, she would likely have had a harder life than her mother. Is a life like her's anything to look forward to? It looks to me like about 40 years of misery. I don't think she was always boozed & drugged up because she was so happy.
...Hopefully she'll get some good parents now, someone who will teach her everything her mom didn't know. Thats the only way she'll have a chance at a decent life...however, I doubt this will happen.
Looks like she already has 2 fathers fighting for her (or her grandfather's millions)
It drives me nuts when the networks obsess over meaningless events like this.

Breaking coverage! Live chopper shots! Panel discussions!

I find it hard to believe that something important wasn't happening in the Middle East, or China, or Africa. Heck, there had to be more important events anywhere! We've got a crisis in Iraq, the Arab/Israeli thing is on full boil, Kim Jong Il or whatever his name is continues to be up to no good, Congress is looking to extend their reach into our wallets.... Yet, some untalented floozy gets the big news minutes.

It drives me nuts when the networks obsess over meaningless events like this.

Breaking coverage! Live chopper shots! Panel discussions!

I find it hard to believe that something important wasn't happening in the Middle East, or China, or Africa. Heck, there had to be more important events anywhere! We've got a crisis in Iraq, the Arab/Israeli thing is on full boil, Kim Jong Il or whatever his name is continues to be up to no good, Congress is looking to extend their reach into our wallets.... Yet, some untalented floozy gets the big news minutes.

It's a Sign O' the Times I'm afraid. :(
It's a Sign O' the Times I'm afraid. :(

I think you're right... But I don't know if it's a reflection of some cultural shift or whether it's more a function of 24/7 news outlets constantly needing something new to talk about. The average person's attention span is pretty short (I don't think there's anything new about that, personally) and without fresh dirt, they're reaching for the remote to watch some mindless reality television show.

But I dunno... Either way, it's dumb I guess.
It's a Sign O' the Times I'm afraid. :(
First - The press hasn't really changed much. They were just as crass when Lindburgs baby was kidnapped and killed. That was a long time ago. The biggest thing is that they now bombard us with this crap 24-7, but that is just a function of the cable TV, radio and print networks.

Nothing new here.

As to Anna Nichole - my belief is this was a terrible waste of a human being. It is a shame that someone like her is revered and emulated, but I am saddened by the loss of the person who will be missed by her family and friends.
Sometimes it's nice to be out of the country. It barely rated a mention on the news here.

I get 8 channels, and late last night three of them were streaming foreign news channels: Fox News, BBC World, and Al Jazeera English service. The American channel was talking just about non-stop about Anna Nicole Smith with a break to discuss how to Feng Shui your office. The others were doing live coverage of a developing situation in Jerusalem where Israeli riot police had stormed a mosque on the 3rd holiest site for muslims and were holding hundreds of people within the compound.

I'm not a news analyst or anything, but that seems like a more important event to the world than Anna Nicole's death. The repercussions could be significant. (Not a comment on Fox specifically, I assume other American news channels were probably doing the same, and to be fair it was the Fox morning show. I think all morning shows are supposed to be dumb so they don't make us think early in the morning.)

Geez, folks, harsh bunch. Of course, I knew that.

I didn't like her, really fit in the "who cares?" category, but her biggest "problem" was having the IQ of a parsnip. When someone is that stupid and stumbles into that kind of fame, nothing good can possibly come of it. She wasn't up to it, but I see her as more tragic than really awful. To quote one of my favorite authors, Robert Heinlein, from the notebooks of his character Lazarus Long:

Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. Stupidity is not a sin; the victim can't help being stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death, there is no appeal, and execution is carried out automatically and without pity.


Its not harsh, its the truth. Would any decent parent wish Anna's life on their own daughter? Not in a million years.

The more I learn about parents in this country, the more I learn that there are a staggering number of parents who have no business raising children whatsoever. My wife is a new, young teacher, so through her I'm seeing it even more. I used to think it was maybe 3% of parents, or maybe 5% who had no business raising children. Now I firmly believe it is more like 40% of parents who have no business whatsoever having children.

That might sound harsh, but if you could actually see what so many children have to live through in our own country, my comments would pale in comparison. It is awful. Alcoholic parents. Physically abusive parents. Drug addict parents. Parents who don't care about their kids, or outright hate their kids. Sexually abusive parents. Broken families. Parents who would dispose of their kids by any means, if only it weren't illegal. Parents who don't teach their kids basic life skills (right, wrong, respect for others, respect for themselves, I could go on and on...).

And worst of all, these kids are destined to repeat their parent's lives. Its a never ending cycle.

My comments may seem harsh, until you see a (literally) bruised/beat up, abused, unloved, dirty, unwanted 8 year old little girl, who desparately wants someone to care for her. That is harsh. Saying that some people shouldn't be parents so that would stop is not harsh. Its just the truth.

Again, it isn't 5% of children who live like that. It is much more. Having a wife who is a teacher has really opened my eyes. I could go on and on with examples of children abused in many different ways, and the path of their entire lives is set by this treatment. Now that is sad...or harsh.
Its not harsh, its the truth. Would any decent parent wish Anna's life on their own daughter? Not in a million years.

I understand. But, the thing is, if the parent is so bad, and the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, do you blame the child?

I don't know what Anna's childhood was like. It may have been fine or horrid or, most likely, somewhere in between.

I don't know the facts, but I know she wasn't very bright and was in a situation she was ill prepared to deal with. Now it may well be that if she had been a lot smarter she'd have been just as useless and selfish, only at a higher level, but I don't know. I can't judge her, and don't try. Maybe it's tragic that our society is so screwed up in its priorities that it leads people down such a path.
I understand. But, the thing is, if the parent is so bad, and the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, do you blame the child?

I'd like to see some real statistical work done on that, because I've seen it both ways even four ways. Great parents great kids, great parents rotten kids, rotten parents great kids, and rotten parents rotten kids. I'm not sure if any definitive conclusion will actually be drawn on the nature/nurture debate.
I'd like to see some real statistical work done on that, because I've seen it both ways even four ways. Great parents great kids, great parents rotten kids, rotten parents great kids, and rotten parents rotten kids. I'm not sure if any definitive conclusion will actually be drawn on the nature/nurture debate.

I agree. I've seen it all ways too. My feeling, or bias or whatever you want to call it, is that both nature and nurture incline but do not compel. IOW, one can overcome the other, sometimes, in some people, or reinforce the other for that matter.
I'd like to see some real statistical work done on that, because I've seen it both ways even four ways. Great parents great kids, great parents rotten kids, rotten parents great kids, and rotten parents rotten kids.

That is true, but in my own experience, 95% of the time, the children fairly closely resemble the parents.
Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. Stupidity is not a sin; the victim can't help being stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death, there is no appeal, and execution is carried out automatically and without pity.

Well, actually, since we're all under a death sentence, you could say that the punishment for genius is death. Although, I've gotta say, Stephen Hawking sure has managed to put off the grim reaper for a very long time considering his condition.

No smiting. Anna Nicole Smith was a horrible person....

She wasn't really hot either. But she was rich, so I'd have hit it.

Just because I had Dom Perignon at the Peabody last weekend won't keep me from enjoying a Corona and lime today.

Even Bill Clinton trolls the occassional trailer park! ;)
[quote=judypilot; Stephen Hawking sure has managed to put off the grim reaper for a very long time considering his condition.

Yea, what's up with that? The guy is amazing! I heard recently that he's planning a trip to space, I think on one of the commercial suborbital flights. Go man go!
Men are from Mars, women from Venus - I must be from Pluto. I'm sorry the woman had such a miserable life and an untimely death but I don't understand what makes this news. I guess there is no real news.
I think the words that make up the expression "T.U." might well be appropriate for this one....
Yes but "Embalmers Make It Last Longer" as we use to say in the trade :)