Anna Nicole Smith Dead?

No smiting. Anna Nicole Smith was a horrible person....

She wasn't really hot either. But she was rich, so I'd have hit it.
No smiting. Anna Nicole Smith was a horrible person....

She wasn't really hot either. But she was rich, so I'd have hit it.

Yeah... I'd have hit it too..... with nothing less than a ball bat!

Couldn't stand her when she was alive, Nothing has changed now...
Ugly, ( well she couldn't help that) stupid, on her show (couldn't help that either) needed a good class on makeup application, ( that, with all her money, should have been first on her list).

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Maybe her child will grow up a better person now.
No smiting. Anna Nicole Smith was a horrible person....

She wasn't really hot either. But she was rich, so I'd have hit it.

I dunno how rich she was... she was going through bankruptcy at some point and her old lover's estate is still tied up in the courts since she wasn't actually in his will. Don't know how much Trimspa paid her.
I dunno how rich she was... she was going through bankruptcy at some point and her old lover's estate is still tied up in the courts since she wasn't actually in his will. Don't know how much Trimspa paid her.

I can't speak for Nick, but she's richer than me. And that's good enough in my book. ;)

(I'm joking, really. Well, mostly.)
C'mon guys...

Her reality TV show may have sucked (and I never did watch it) but it is sad. She has a baby daughter who is now without a mother.

FWIW, I thought she was really hot back in the Guess and early Playboy days.

Did they ever figure out what her son's cause of death was?
Anyone as outrageous as her has a high percentage risk of being into dope, coke, meth, or whatever today's drug de Jour is.

One fewer bad news bear...
Man try saying ANS over there on the red board and it will get locked then deleted. Ask me how I know.
I only feel sorry for a five-month-old baby girl. :(

There will be enough bastards to go after her money and the daughter will probably never see a dime.
OK, so do tell, why did it get locked on the red board? Inquiring minds want to know.
Yeah... I'd have hit it too..... with nothing less than a ball bat!

Couldn't stand her when she was alive, Nothing has changed now...
Ugly, ( well she couldn't help that) stupid, on her show (couldn't help that either) needed a good class on makeup application, ( that, with all her money, should have been first on her list).

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Maybe her child will grow up a better person now.

You, sir, are my new hero. I couldn't have said it better except to add: self serving, gold digger, and all around bad example of what humans can become when they think of nothing but themselves.

If they cover the funeral on TV I'll throw up.
not to speak ill of the dead ... but I guess I'll speak ill of the dead ... what a waste of oxygen, right up there alongside Nichole Richie, Paris Hilton and Anthony's fav celeb, Rosie... but I'll betcha history makes Anna the next Mae West or Marilyn Monroe...
You, sir, are my new hero.

WOW!!! Thank You !

That's the second time in my life I have received that distinction!

First time was as a lifelong mentor, at a friends daughters Bat Mitzvah, before 120 people..
And she had the song "The Wind Beneath My Wings" (and you, you are my Hero)
playing for me, at the presentation,
A very emotional time.:yes:

I couldn't have said it better except to add: self serving, gold digger, and all around bad example of what humans can become when they think of nothing but themselves.

Wha??? I didn't say that.... too??? Grrrrrrrr! Danged Alzheimers!:goofy:

If they cover the funeral on TV I'll throw up.

I've already got my 50 Gallon Garbage bag at the ready....

Vomiters: Lock and load your weapons..........:vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit:
Just watched the local news... I'd love to know what worthless news station decided a video of her wrapped body on a gurney was worthy of shooting. They showed it being taken from a vehicle to the coroner's office. :dunno:
Just watched the local news... I'd love to know what worthless news station decided a video of her wrapped body on a gurney was worthy of shooting. They showed it being taken from a vehicle to the coroner's office. :dunno:

I think I saw that, wasn't it some other material than the usual tarp?
I think I saw that, wasn't it some other material than the usual tarp?
It appeared as though it may be purple velvet. I know of only one individual in history who warranted such lavish covers.
No smiting. Anna Nicole Smith was a horrible person....

She wasn't really hot either. But she was rich, so I'd have hit it.

Nick, did you really say those two things together without a trace of irony? Isn't (number 2) a big part of the reason you deem her (number 1)? I hope you are joking! :hairraise:

Were it me, no amount of money could entice me to touch that with a barge pole. ('that' meaning any trailer park, unstable gold digger.)

that said - it is sad. everyone should get a chance to turn their life around and no one deserves to have their beloved son die the same day they gave birth. that poor baby now is an orphan (since apparently who knows who the father is) and as someone said - she likely will be a penniless orphan since there are plenty of people to "look after" what money her mother leaves her.
Whats crazy is where she the Hardrock hotel/casino.... I party there all the time... what the!
OK I'd do her too - but not in the "I'll take you to meet my parents" kinda way.
Now with that out of the way...

"I think I saw that, wasn't it some other material than the usual tarp"
This can vary with funeral home to funeral home - some use stretcher covers, some use bags, some use sheets, etc etc etc.

I'm going to go with a cocktail mixture death: Combo alcohol, perscription, and illegal drug OD.
This might just be the only thing I've ever seen the POA boards agree on.:yes:

What do you think Dr. Bruce, can an overdose of silicone kill a woman?
Perhaps an overdose of trashyness.

I, for one, am looking forward to not seeing her trimspa ads in the NY subway.

Good riddance.
I don't get it either. I never saw her as the least bit attractive, or as someone I'd want my daughter to emulate. She was, to me at least, a non entity. She basically had no talent, (or brains as far as I could discern anyway) and her claim to fame was nothing more that certain artificially enhanced appendages. The really sad part of this whole thing is the media coverage seems to reflect the shallowness of modern American culture. :(
1) just another celeb famous for being famous. never, ever did a thing.
2) her baby daughter is probably better off without her. we all saw what her child rearing abilities did for her teenage son.
3) i will speculate this is some sort of drug od/bad mix, whatever. if so, it just goes to show you can't party like you're 20 for your entire life.

i am not glad she died, nor am i sad. i simply don't care. tc

oh yeah, you couldn't bring it up on the red board unless it was aviation related. if she'd died in a plane crash you're good to go!