And things just went downhill from there...[rant]

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
So here is the dilemma. I had been informed that something came up and I'll be back late and by the way your dinner is the leftover meatloaf in the fridge. Outstanding. Awesome. We have had this discussion before, If I'm on my own for dinner, I will take care of it myself thank you. Now here is the thing, I'm not patently opposed to the leftover meatloaf in the fridge, but it's not really enough for a dinner sized meal. It's roughly one large burger worth. I want two large burgers for dinner. One large burger is fine for lunch. Carl's Jr.'s motto is "Without us, some guys would starve." If I have Carl's for lunch, I will normally have a Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger, lettuce wrapped of course. Now if I have Carl's for dinner, I will typically have one DWBC, and one Double Bacon Guacamole Cheeseburger. And I'm sort of craving the DWBC and DBGC combination.

Now I have a few options. I can a) get a DWBC/DBGC and save the meatloaf for lunch, b) get a nice juicy steak from the store and save the meatloaf for lunch, or c) get creative. Let's see... I have one burger's worth of meatloaf. One possibility is to get a DBGC, and also get an order of onion rings so I can make me a homemade DWBC. That sounds like a win-win situation. I would have dispatched the meatloaf, which may not get eaten for lunch for a while, and had my burger and ate it too. I have all of the other key ingredients. So I marinated over the situation. At the pub. A few pints of Bitburger later, I decided I'm just going to f***g do it.

As you can see in the above, there is one lettuce wrapped DBGC, and some onion rings. But... problem. I didn't quite have all of the key ingredients that I through I had. The missing key ingredient being lettuce. There are buns in the pantry (thank you autocorrect, you saved me but technically buns in the panty isn't entirely inaccurate) but I don't eat buns or bread. So I marinated over the situation some more, and four shots of Smirnoff later, I just said f*** it I'm just going to improvise. So, this is what I ended up with...

Not bad, not bad. Iron Chef Sac came through. I might have invented a new dish.
I had a Whataburger for the first time last night, it was decent but nothing to write home about. That said, it sounds like you avoided a catastrophe. Meatloaf of that size wouldn’t be enough for me either. If that was my only choice, I’d need to add something else with it. Are the onion rings considered low carb? It seems the breading would violate that dietary restriction, but it does look quite good.
Technically you're right, onion rings do violate the low carb, but If I'm going to be bad, that's how I will roll.
Technically you're right, onion rings do violate the low carb, but If I'm going to be bad, that's how I will roll.

Think of the empty calories you avoided by getting rid of the lettuce on the second burger.
I’m just here for the Bitburger reference.
Bitte ein bit!
Whoever's in charge of making meatloaf should make larger meatloaves.
Whoever's in charge of making meatloaf should make larger meatloaves.
It was larger. It just became smaller. Think about Jennifer Aniston stripping down, then suddenly Yoko Ono appears on the screen.
I don't understand this thread at all. Not even a little bit. But I can see how if someone was presented a burger without a bun they might be tempted to just give up and start drinking. I'd rather just go get a real burger, though. And before anyone jumps in and says that the bun has no purpose, it absolutely does. It soaks up the fat and juice from the barely cooked burger that otherwise would drip down your arms.
That is called meatbreadloaf.
I think I may have misspoke. The "not the meatloaf" would therefore in fact contain bread. To clarify, meatloaf at the Sac Shack does not contain bread or other grain admixtures.
I think I may have misspoke. The "not the meatloaf" would therefore in fact contain bread. To clarify, meatloaf at the Sac Shack does not contain bread or other grain admixtures.

Mine either. It’s nothing but a filler ingredient, not unlike crab cakes.
it felt like a "normal plate day" to me
It’s nothing but a filler ingredient
Actually, it does help with retaining moisture and tenderness. Without it, the meat proteins are more apt to seize up. Unlike a burger, you aren't likely to serve it medium rare.

That said, there can be other functional alternatives.
I’m just here for the Bitburger reference.
Bitte ein bit!
Me too

Had the first of many back in the day at Bittburg AB with a MRE. No onion rings but whatever was in the MRE looked suspiciously like meatloaf
Me too

Had the first of many back in the day at Bittburg AB with a MRE. No onion rings but whatever was in the MRE looked suspiciously like meatloaf
Wow, you were way out there. I was twenty klicks east of Frankfurt in Aschaffenburg.
Me too

Had the first of many back in the day at Bittburg AB with a MRE. No onion rings but whatever was in the MRE looked suspiciously like meatloaf
Dad worked for the AF at Bitburg and Spangdahlem ABs, before we found housing, we were in a hotel on the little city park in BB. He befriended the brewmeister- to this day, 40 odd years later, I have bitburger swag-mugs, openers, glasses.
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One of the guys in my old glider club said he used to work at the Bitburger brewery when he was in high school. Every Friday each employee got to take home a case of beer or a case of bottled water. He said that was a pretty good deal for a 16 year old.
Speaking of Meatloaf for dinner…

Picked up my son and three of his teammates last night from club water polo practice.. hit Carl's Jr to the tune of about $50.00 From there a five-mile drive home.... needless to say, the burgers and fries didn't make it to the driveway.. an hour later, the kid is staring in the open fridge asking, "is there anything to eat.."

I so much as look at an onion ring and I gain five pounds..
Picked up my son and three of his teammates last night from club water polo practice...

I so much as look at an onion ring and I gain five pounds.
You need to burn the same amount of calories as water polo practice.
Speaking of Meatloaf for dinner…

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I thought you were going with this...
I thought you were going with this...

I was wondering when the handsomest man in rock n roll was going to show up...
For some reason, and don't ask me why, Meatloaf was super popular in Germany, right up there with the Hoff.