An IFR kind of day - Video


Pre-takeoff checklist
Mar 2, 2005
Seattle, WA
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Thought you might enjoy this short video from an IFR flight. I recently purchased a video camera and made an interface for the audio, and brought along a friend to try it out for me. We ended up with some great altitudes for cloud footage. I edited it for entertainment value, obviously some of the radio transmissions are cut short or edited... and I even now realized I made a mistake with a readback, but still fun to watch.

Here is the link... enjoy.

Or a hi-res broadband version:

That was very cool! Thanks for sharing with us.

I've made a couple of flying videos and have really enjoyed doing it. The latest one I did was a short loop which will play at a silent auction where I'm donating a ride in the Extra. Lots of fun.

What software are you using?


(ps... get a yaw damper :D )
What a great video, and in a Bonanza no less. Thanks for sharing this. I just got to peek here at work. I'll try to watch the entire vid tonight.


Dave S.
A-36TN ADs
I can't seem to open either version on my Mac at work. Is it the Mac that's the problem, or something else? Quicktime opens, but says it can't play the file.
It's a windows media player file. You may need an add-on to allow quicktime to play it. That or a windows machine...
Oh, okay, thanks, Chuck. I don't know if I'll be able to play it at home on the PC, either, as my 'puter is rapidly going down the tubes. All films look jerky on it (lack of memory, I'm told).

How old is your computer? Memory upgrades are relatively inexpensive these days, provided your system can support it.
1998.....would you believe. My brother has also told me I can buy more memory, but he said it would last only so long and I may be better off buying a new computer.
1998? Yes - thats very possibly true with a computer of that age.

But that can depend on what you use the computer for...if you mainly do Word Processing and surf the net, you don't need to replace it until it starts making odd noises or smells (or both).
Man, that was a great video. Tell us more about how it was made. What equipment, post-processing, credits to the camera-person.

You had the perfect altitude. I really liked the shot across the clouds to the setting sun. I wonder if it would have been too bumpy to record the approach ? That's my favorite part of IFR... sliding out of the grey to find the runway right there. Sweet !
What a great video! Thanks for sharing. I love it when people share their GA video footage!
Thanks everyone. Sorry the camcorder battery died before we made the approach. I'll do some more of these when I get the chance, it's fun to put together. Yes, a yaw dampener would be nice, it doesn't show too much except for the shot of the turn and bank indicator, but it was a pretty bumpy day. My friend shooting did a very nice job considering that I just asked him to shoot a little bit to test my audio interface.

For those that were asking, it was shot with a Sony TRV11 MiniDV (great images for a low used price). I edited with Sony Vegas. Though I did it with all my own home gear, it also does help that I work in video and film.
I can't get it to work now. I can't get it to start, and I can't download it. I'll try later. . . .
Thats something else, i havent xperienced any IFR yet i plan on taking that training soon after i get my private. That video makes me want to jump right into my IR.
I just tried to view the video and was unable to open it, even though I am on a WinXP platform with all the super-razoo addons... Usually don't have a problem. I wonder what's up?
Great video, Erik! I started my flight training at KPAE (Regal Aviation--are they still there?), finished at KTIW before moving to Texas and getting my instrument rating at KGPM. I sure miss those mountains!

The only thing I would have added to the video (and if you have footage, we'd love to see it) would be breaking out with that runway right in front of you.

But, I love the cuts you did, to things like the runway signage, the turn coordinator, the gear indicator... all very cool and nicely done!

Hope you make MORE videos to share with us!

Do you rent that Bo, or own it?

Yes Regal is still there, and is a regular stop since they have good fuel prices. I ran out of battery before we could tape the approach, but I will do more videos in the future.

I own the Bonanza in a partnership. It's a great plane, and an amazing value to fly. The operating expenses, including maintenance and engine replacement reserve are less than renting a 152 in the area, and I average 158 kts!!

Heres what you do:
Right click the top link....
"Save target as"
save it somewheres handy like the desktop...
Then dbl click the desktop icon and it opens in WMP.
Fun video Erik.
Nice clip. Did you ask for the hold, or was it for ATC?
I asked for the hold, it was sort of a training flight for me. One things I'm finding is that I am getting pretty good with all the approach proceedures in my area, but am a little bored with them, yet I find myself not totally as ahead of the plane as I should be when I fly an approach outside of my area that I am not too familiar with.

How do you guys "keep it fresh" when you go out for some hood time?

Beautiful! I loved the way you focused on the window, then headset at the beginning. Science and Art!!! I was wondering what kind of airplane it was. What model Bonanza? It looked new.
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Its a 1965 S-35 Bonanza. It is in great condition, it was redone top to bottom about 7 years ago and is still a 10. If you click on my avatar I think you can see a picture of it from the outside in my profile.

There is a 1/4 share for sale in it too by the way.

GREAT video, Erik. I just watched it. Somehow I couldn't get it to download before. You have a real talent for editing and composition. I liked your choice of background music behind the voice audio.
maximus said:
How do you get an audio hook up from the radio to your cam corder?
absolute flat out fool proof easiest way to do this is to get a small lapel mic or "lavilier" mic, I think it's called. Hook it up to your camcorder and pop that little puppy in one of your headset earcups. Instant radio and intercom recording, background noise muted. No impedance mismatches or plug size discrepancies to worry about. :dance: