Amazon forest crash, first survivors then retracted On again lol

Very sad. But bravo to the 9 and 13 yr old for being able to keep the survivers alive. Doubt many adults could do that for that long.
Hey there don’t go overboard with praise; I’m pretty sure they had access to our middle age survival gear thread
You'll find most kids... and adults in the Amazonian region can handle themselves in these situations as its close to everyday life in most cases. Even the ones who live in the jungle cities. Didnt spend much time on the Colombian side of the area but did on the Peruvian side. Was always amazed how resilient those people are who live in those remote jungle areas of which I spent a few nights with on occassion. Good on them.
Update, the previous report of children recovered OK retracted.

Baby bottle, and other items found, and shelters, but none of the children found.

Many military personnel in the jungle searching, and tracker dogs assisting. Helicopters flying low, with loudspeakers giving directions.

I just hope that Bell206 is right on their jungle skills.
How many kids (let alone adults) in our part of the world can survive for 30 days in their vicinity, while caring for an 11 month old?

I'd say next to none.

Our society of helicopter parenting and overfed kids with a video game in their hands at all times, is in fact responsible for creating human beings that are unable to function or survive outside a very small microcosm with a huge safety net.

Kudos to the Amazon inhabitants who teach their kids the real basics of life!

When extinction comes around for humans, we now know who will be the last survivors.
How many kids (let alone adults) in our part of the world can survive for 30 days in their vicinity, while caring for an 11 month old?

I'd say next to none.

Our society of helicopter parenting and overfed kids with a video game in their hands at all times, is in fact responsible for creating human beings that are unable to function or survive outside a very small microcosm with a huge safety net.

Kudos to the Amazon inhabitants who teach their kids the real basics of life!

When extinction comes around for humans, we now know who will be the last survivors.
On the other hand, kids from our part of the world probably would have stayed with the aircraft and not needed to survive for 40 days.
On the other hand, kids from our part of the world probably would have stayed with the aircraft and not needed to survive for 40 days.

Exactly. But just wait until that infrastructure falters... That's my point.
But just wait until that infrastructure falters...
Dont need for the infrastructure fail, just the power going out causes widespread panic. Regardless in those jungle towns its a more a way of life for those kids than an educational requirement.
On the other hand, kids from our part of the world probably would have stayed with the aircraft and not needed to survive for 40 days.
Not really. But they would have had to survive for 17 days since that how long it took them to find the aircraft. IMO, had the original story not made international news I doubt the "authorites" would have kept looking. We never counted on any govermental assistance to look for a downed aircraft and had plans specifically for that in SA and especially in the jungle environments.