Line Up and Wait
This is a serious hypotnetical question that some of you may have encountered before.
During a flight you encounter a fast moving front or a series of mountains, or any other scneario you can imagine that forces you higher to clear the threat. But heres the problem, you dont have oxygen and your only choice is up and over.
(Please for the sake of the question do not oppose the scenario)
-what altitude can a human simply not get enough oxygen?
-how long could could a pilot (on average) stay at 15k 20k 25k
I bring this up because im a pilot and I also train at high altitude.
I sleep at 12k and do 30-45 minute sessions at 22, 000ft . Obviously there is benifit for this in my athletic endeavours and I can see the benifits for flying as well.
During a flight you encounter a fast moving front or a series of mountains, or any other scneario you can imagine that forces you higher to clear the threat. But heres the problem, you dont have oxygen and your only choice is up and over.
(Please for the sake of the question do not oppose the scenario)
-what altitude can a human simply not get enough oxygen?
-how long could could a pilot (on average) stay at 15k 20k 25k
I bring this up because im a pilot and I also train at high altitude.
I sleep at 12k and do 30-45 minute sessions at 22, 000ft . Obviously there is benifit for this in my athletic endeavours and I can see the benifits for flying as well.