Already Under Basic Med. DUI. Section 68.11

61.15 applies to Sport Pilot as much as it does to anybody else.

That’s what I was asking. You self report that it happened and then what? You don’t have a medical, all they can do is pull your pilots certificate.

What happens for light sport today?
Can't find someone where you are now?

I’m still in NC until the house sells, but I expect not by March.

No doctors are taking patients. My boss waited 9 months to get into a practice, let alone one that does BM. Out of the choices of coming back here for appointments, doing a 3rd class (and accurately reporting everything I’ve done), or being grounded, a trip back to NC is the least painful.
That’s what I was asking. You self report that it happened and then what? You don’t have a medical, all they can do is pull your pilots certificate.

What happens for light sport today?
Pilots certificates are fair game.
I’m still in NC until the house sells, but I expect not by March.

No doctors are taking patients. My boss waited 9 months to get into a practice, let alone one that does BM. Out of the choices of coming back here for appointments, doing a 3rd class (and accurately reporting everything I’ve done), or being grounded, a trip back to NC is the least painful.

Sent you a PM.
That’s what I was asking. You self report that it happened and then what? You don’t have a medical, all they can do is pull your pilots certificate.

What happens for light sport today?
As I understand it, CFR 61.15 is independent of medical credentials/qualifications (or lack thereof). Or even recency of flight experience, i.e. you aren't actually flying. If you hold a pilot certificate, you're required to report as they specify.

2 or more DUI's within a 3 year period is grounds to suspend or revoke your pilot certificate.

If you get caught failing to report (3 "flavors" of MVA's), or even reporting late (> 60 days) is grounds to suspend or revoke your pilot certificate.

Once you report it (to Security/Investigations branch), they snitch on you to Medical branch. Medical sends you a letter (reads kind of like a phishing scam) that they have received "documents" about you and they cannot make a "final determination" because you don't have a medical application in the system. They referenced my last expired medical. That was it. I anticipate that's what also happens for a Sport Pilot.

I'm also interested to see what happens with MOSAIC. My (former) AME noted that his malpractice insurer prohibits him from signing CMECs due to liability concerns. And corporate clinic employers are starting to do the same (I'd have to ask my PCP). MOSAIC, as advertised so far, would meet the majority of my flying needs in the same aircraft types I've been flying the last several years. Depends how it's received by insurers, etc.
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I'll wrap this thread up
Thank you all for your thoughts and knowledge.

It's really stupid to get a DUI at any time in your life if you want to be a pilot.

Fortunately I got my military and commercial flying out of my system at a young age when I was squared away.

Know the process though. And stay compliant. Lying or covering stuff up will not save you. Take the lumps you deserve honestly and early. Fly safe above all. You will face hardships.

Alcohol is insidious. Know and reassess. Fly safe.

From an ATP Captain to a glider pilot you are PIC 91.3 and 61.53.

Happy New Year and fly safe.
….why, because “ shucking and dutching, is what humans do……

Rocko doesn’t realize that he will eventually have to face the music. But not if he retires from certificated aviation at the end of his current basic.

That was by design, as well.
You're right, Doctor.

My wife and children vs. a regulatory definition is a different matter.
I skimmed the thread and lots and lots of detailed questions but in the end (unfortunately):

They will find out one way or another if you try to renew BM or a airman's medical. But you are also supposed to self disclose right after the event. So it really means you should stop flying now (which you did). Then let your BM lapse so you will always have your Pilot Cert. And your paths to flying are then:

- Sport Pilot (is this even legit now?)
- Long FAA process to get another 3rd class
- Some weird BM loophole you know of
- Just fly until busted (def not recommended)
Well…alcohol does change one’s person and one’s perception(s), (particularly of alcohol itself)…

That’s why it’s such a formidable opponent….
Happy New Year Doctor. You are wise and I need to start up.
I skimmed the thread and lots and lots of detailed questions but in the end (unfortunately):

They will find out one way or another if you try to renew BM or a airman's medical. But you are also supposed to self disclose right after the event. So it really means you should stop flying now (which you did). Then let your BM lapse so you will always have your Pilot Cert. And your paths to flying are then:

- Sport Pilot (is this even legit now?)
- Long FAA process to get another 3rd class
- Some weird BM loophole you know of
- Just fly until busted (def not recommended)

Never recommend fly til you're busted.

But learn the process and your options. You can still fly that way.