Final Approach
Of course, given the intelligence of some of the AA employees at the out stations, it's no loss how archaic Saabre is. We arrived at EYW last year to find about a quarter of the flight missing the bags and only a complete idiot who couldn't figure out how to work the computer (his major issue is he didn't know how to power it on, I did so for him). It turns out that our bags had been pitched off the ATR back at MIA because the flight was overweight. Of course, nobody bothered to tell anybody at the destination that there might be some affected passengers.
Finally giving up on the computer entirely, the one semi-competent employee took our names and cellphone numbers on paper to call us. Given the general level of incompetence, I decided to meet the next flight personally rather than waiting for them to deliver our bags.
I'd be willing to bet that AA doesn't have any employees at EYW. They sure as heck don't operate any ATR's.