Line Up and Wait
I'm doing some practice tests and I came across this question "Refer to Crawford Airport (N38°42.25′ W107°38.62′). What is the traffic pattern for the west runway? (Refer to Figure 81 and Figure 82)"
I put left hand because of where it says RWY E-W in the AF/D and then says trees after the W indicating to me that RWT W is a standard left hand pattern
Says I'm incorrect because "The traffic pattern for the west runway (RWY 25) is a right-hand pattern. It is noted on the sectional chart excerpt (Fig. 81). Under the airport information, near Crawford Airport, the third line displays the letters “RP 25.” On the Airport/Facility Directory excerpt in Fig. 82, the section titled RWY 25 has “Rgt tfc” (right traffic) written to give pilots the pattern direction of the west runway."
If RWY 25 is the west runway, then what what is that RWY E-W all about?
I put left hand because of where it says RWY E-W in the AF/D and then says trees after the W indicating to me that RWT W is a standard left hand pattern
Says I'm incorrect because "The traffic pattern for the west runway (RWY 25) is a right-hand pattern. It is noted on the sectional chart excerpt (Fig. 81). Under the airport information, near Crawford Airport, the third line displays the letters “RP 25.” On the Airport/Facility Directory excerpt in Fig. 82, the section titled RWY 25 has “Rgt tfc” (right traffic) written to give pilots the pattern direction of the west runway."
If RWY 25 is the west runway, then what what is that RWY E-W all about?