Aerobatics plane nearly crashes during world record attempt


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Aug 17, 2015
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Seen this pop in a few places today with the above title (not my choice).

There is a "touch and go" on the water about 58 seconds into it:
Crash? Nah. Looked like it was planned to me. Dangerous and could have developed into something bad, yep.
Crash? Nah. Looked like it was planned to me. Dangerous and could have developed into something bad, yep.

Watch it again. If that was planned then it was executed poorly. The landing gear takes a pretty good impact, and on recovery there is a bit of PIO, which likely stands for "Pants Infiltrated with Odor."
Flying under the bridge was intentional, hitting the water was not.

He was flying squirrely approaching the bridge too.
I think it was intentional. He had a good position established and then he fell out of formation a good 20 ft to touch the water. Yeah, he porpoised a bit after but it was still intentional to touch.