Adieu, Gentlefolk


Line Up and Wait
Jun 21, 2008
Houston, Texas
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Over the past few weeks I have had the honor of being among the best assemblage of pilots I have known of in quite a long while. I have found you to be intelligent, witty (the two traits often run hand-in-hand) and fun to be around. Unfortunately, my comments seem to offend a few of you, and rather than be a disruption to the community, I will withdraw from the forum.

Thank you to all who have shared with me, made me think, made me laugh, made my life more whole than it's been in a while. You are a wonderful group and I shall miss you. Clear skies and perfect landings.
ray i really hope that one or two bad apples have not ruined the barrel for you.
Ray, stick around. I've enjoyed your posts. Don't let a few folks push ya away because they got their undies wrapped around too tight. Just stay clear of the SZ for a while and contribute to the rest of the board. You're experience would be too valuable to miss.
Hang in there, Ray. Don't let the a--hattery in the SZ get you down.

Ray, you've brought great insight and argument, and I really hope you stick around.

Plus you're a super-pilot, based on what I've read!
Ray, there are always a few. Just like in my own squad. You smile quietly and shrug. The acquaintances I have made here and in person have been worth it. Don't be long now.....
Just because a few get their knickers in a knot, don't let their minimalist minds push you out the door! Remember- they are just a vocal MINORITY! Who really gives a da mn what they think?

The rest are normal, hardworking aviation enthusiasts who believe that everyone has a right to express their own opinions. If someone doesn't like what you write, then THEY don't have to read it...

To banter, or debate a topic can be great discourse. But for anyone to belittle or attempt to 'drive away' others for expressing a contrary opinion is not what this board is about!

I think there are many of us who hope that you'll stick around!

(By the way, there are quite a few POA'ers here in the Houston area... maybe we should have another gathering over an adult beverage sometime? PJ?)
I am somewhat territorial of what I see as "my" board, my collection of good people....and I think we should use everything in our power including peer pressure to purge (or improve) those who attack, flame, pursue without cause. So don't leave Ray, don't let them win.
Ray, take a deep breath and step away from the keyboard. It's just a forum, you know. People won't agree. When you start getting agitated, it's time to take a breather, but don't quit. I may not always agree with you, but the more opinions we have voiced, the more informed we all become.

I know what's bugging you; I've been there myself. Don't give up the ship!
Well Ray... guess you gotta do what you gotta do.

Am surprised at your decision. :dunno:


Please stick around. The more good people we have--the stronger community we are--and the less trolls we end up with. My best advice is to stay out of the spin zone.
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I am somewhat territorial of what I see as "my" board, my collection of good people....and I think we should use everything in our power including peer pressure to purge (or improve) those who attack, flame, pursue without cause. So don't leave Ray, don't let them win.
Ya, that's what the ignore button is for!

Funny, Slashdot mentioned a NYT article about trolls today.


Please stick around. The more good people we have--the stronger community we are--and the less trolls we end up with. My best advice is to stay out of the spin zone.

Amen, Jesse.

The ignore feature for the SZ is to me one of the best features (besides the plethora of wonderful people and GREAT pilots) here.
I look about three times a year at SZ and, while I think it's great to have such a place, it just isn't my cuppa tea.
Ray, I enjoy your aviation posts (I haven't been in the SZ to see what tribulations you've encountered there), and I think we as a community have much to gain from your participation here.

my $.02
You'd be shunning the very principle that online forums represent if you withdrew at this point. What else is a Forum except a place where people of similar as well as opposing viewpoints come together to discuss?
Ray, I enjoy your aviation posts (I haven't been in the SZ to see what tribulations you've encountered there), and I think we as a community have much to gain from your participation here.

my $.02
What is strange here is that Ray fits into the SZ very well and has gotten along with everyone. There is something else going on here that is not visible. My $.06 ($.02 adjusted for inflation and increased energy costs)
Thank you all for your kind words. Some old, deep wounds were opened, things I like to keep in a dark closet. Shining a light on them hurts. You are all correct about the spin zone. I'm a pilot, not a politician. So if you don't mind, I'll hang around, but in the pilot sections. Thanks again.

Glad to hear you have reconsidered Ray. I have enjoyed and learned from our "conversations".
Thank you all for your kind words. Some old, deep wounds were opened, things I like to keep in a dark closet. Shining a light on them hurts. You are all correct about the spin zone. I'm a pilot, not a politician. So if you don't mind, I'll hang around, but in the pilot sections. Thanks again.

Ray, I was about to second Jesse's advice and plea, but it sounds like the convincing has already been done. May I offer a hearty "Welcome Back, I hardly knew you were gone!" I've really enjoyed your posts here, and you sound like a wise person. In fact, I was using you (without name) as an example of the pilot attitude that I really like with one of the authors over at OSH Wednesday!

Personally, I keep away from the spin zone, and am VERY thankful that it is so easy to exclude it from the searches. For those who choose to participate, more power to you.
Thank you all for your kind words. Some old, deep wounds were opened, things I like to keep in a dark closet. Shining a light on them hurts. You are all correct about the spin zone. I'm a pilot, not a politician. So if you don't mind, I'll hang around, but in the pilot sections. Thanks again.


Glad you are going to stay. Wish you would also stay in the SZ and I also hope you realize that your flashlight hurt people in the same way as well.

Good on you to stick around. You and your posts are an asset to POA. Taking your bat and ball and going home makes for a very dull game.....hang in there! Besides, as my Pop once said to me "if they don't pay your mortgage they really aren't that important." If someone flames ya' or drives you on ignore, it's that easy!
From my perspective on this board, SZ doesn't exist. To me POA is a great aviation forum populated with great people who like to talk about aviation related topics. Although mud slinging exists in areas other than SZ (cabin space in Mooneys and LOP operations come to mind), it is tolerable.

Ray, I'm glad you're out of SZ but staying with POA.
From my perspective on this board, SZ doesn't exist. To me POA is a great aviation forum populated with great people who like to talk about aviation related topics. Although mud slinging exists in areas other than SZ (cabin space in Mooneys and LOP operations come to mind), it is tolerable.

Ray, I'm glad you're out of SZ but staying with POA.
I have no issue with the cabin space in Mooneys; just the backward tails. :)
So if you don't mind, I'll hang around, but in the pilot sections.
That's the decision I came to...I'll occasionally look at SZ, but it'll be a cold day in Honolulu before I post there again. The rest of the forum is first-rate.
Until this thread popped up I was unaware that the Spin Zone existed. I haven't experienced any dire effects from this lack of knowledge and intend to maintain the status quo.

Bob Gardner
To paraphrase a fellow aviator who I greatly respect:

We come together as pilots and we view each other with only the highest regard because of our mutual passion for flight. After our initial impressions wear off though, our opinion of each other has but one way to go...down...and that is indeed the direction our opinions of each other head when we participate in the political forums...and frankly they head in that direction quite quickly.

I've learned the hard way to just ignore the political forums and those who participate in them. I've also come to the opinion that it tends to be those who will never change their minds about anything who most frequent the political forums why bother?? :dunno:

I guess some get a thrill from beating up on each other...personally I don't get it.
Thank you all for your kind words. Some old, deep wounds were opened, things I like to keep in a dark closet. Shining a light on them hurts. You are all correct about the spin zone. I'm a pilot, not a politician. So if you don't mind, I'll hang around, but in the pilot sections. Thanks again.


Heck its an aviation board with a political forum not the other way around. We really rather have folks that contribute to the aviation sections and not the political sections than the other way around.
Heck its an aviation board with a political forum not the other way around. We really rather have folks that contribute to the aviation sections and not the political sections than the other way around.
Obviously, I'm more active in the SZ but because I have more knowledge in that area for the moment after years of driving around for a living and listening to that evil talk radio.

I contribute to the aviation threads where I feel confident in my response or level of knowledge. Sometimes, I stick my foot in my mouth but the nice thing is most folks are awesome and respectful in how they correct my information. That being said, Ray could easily kick my butt on both.

The funny thing is, I'd rather spar politics with fellow pilots than your average Joe on the street. Pilots are achievers. You don't get a pilot certificate the same way one gets a driver's license. You have to work for it. It takes hours and hours of flight training and ground study. You have to want it. You have to achieve a strict level of performance to become a certificated pilot. Who better to spar with than one who has accomplished such a feat as you?
Well Ray i hope you stay around and don't let them run you off, I'm a beleiver in your signature and it tells it all

Always be yourself because the people that matter don't mind, and the ones who mind, don't matter
As you can see from the other posts most of us fell this way and want you to STAY.:yes:

Dave G.
Well Ray i hope you stay around and don't let them run you off, I'm a beleiver in your signature and it tells it all

Always be yourself because the people that matter don't mind, and the ones who mind, don't matter
As you can see from the other posts most of us fell this way and want you to STAY.:yes:

Dave G.

Thank you, Dave, and all the rest of you great pilots who have commented. A man couldn't be around a better group of people! :yes:
I didn't realize this all started in SZ. I tend to give that more leeway; in fact people can say what they want, as I rarely attend! When it spills over into the mainstream forums; :(
I won't say my lilfe has been less stressful since I put SZ on ignore - or opt out - or whatever the choice was last year - but every little bit helps.
The Spin Zone is, to me a waste of time, and will only add to frustration. Nobody is going to convince anybody else of a different viewpoint. While I enjoy and agree that I would rather talk about most non-plane subjects with pilots (as I have found we tend to be a more educated sector of the population), I'll stick to Hangar Talk for that.

Ray, I'm glad you're staying. I, for one, would not want to miss out on learning from your 18,000+ hours of flying experience.
I am happy to say I have not been in there in over a year.
Yeah, I have been avoiding the SZ, myself. But I can understand the strong feelings under our current situation.:blueplane:
The Spin Zone is, to me a waste of time, and will only add to frustration. Nobody is going to convince anybody else of a different viewpoint.
I will not cease until everyone agrees with me. :p :goofy:

Now, where did I steal that line from? :D
HEy, in defense of SZ, it's a lot of fun if you approach it with the right attitude. It can be a little addictive, but if you remember that it's just a bunch of pilots whose opinions you'll never change, it's no problem. A good way to get stuff off one's chest.

Some do take it too far, but MC has done a good job taking care of them.

And now, back to the Ray Lovefest!! :D:D:D