ADHD Fast Track - Still Reviewed by AMCD?


Filing Flight Plan
Aug 31, 2024
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Hello -

I recently went through the ADHD "fast track" and received my medical in May of 2024. Unfortunately, I neglected to put my middle name on my medexpress form and my medical does not match the name on my pilot certificate. The AME was unable to change the name on the medical, and I had to contact OKC. I'm coming up on my PPL checkride and trying to get this resolved as quickly as possible. According to OKC, my case is 'currently pending medical review at AMCD'. I'm guessing this means my medical is in the same pile of deferred medicals that are going through review, and I'm going to be subject to a significant wait time. Obviously my fault; I either didn't consider the implications of not putting my middle name on medexpress or just simply missed it. I've reached out to OKC and my Northwest Mountain regional flight surgeon but neither have any timeline or information for me.

I suppose I'm making this post to ask if anyone has any ideas of where my application sits, any advice, or insider knowledge of what else my application will have to go through? Timetables?

Thanks for the wealth of information on this forum and to all who contribute to it.
Hello -

I recently went through the ADHD "fast track" and received my medical in May of 2024. Unfortunately, I neglected to put my middle name on my medexpress form and my medical does not match the name on my pilot certificate. The AME was unable to change the name on the medical, and I had to contact OKC. I'm coming up on my PPL checkride and trying to get this resolved as quickly as possible. According to OKC, my case is 'currently pending medical review at AMCD'. I'm guessing this means my medical is in the same pile of deferred medicals that are going through review, and I'm going to be subject to a significant wait time. Obviously my fault; I either didn't consider the implications of not putting my middle name on medexpress or just simply missed it. I've reached out to OKC and my Northwest Mountain regional flight surgeon but neither have any timeline or information for me.

I suppose I'm making this post to ask if anyone has any ideas of where my application sits, any advice, or insider knowledge of what else my application will have to go through? Timetables?

Thanks for the wealth of information on this forum and to all who contribute to it.
Wow, I’m so sorry. I really hope there is a faster solution vs. literally being at the bottom of a pile for a name correction. Hope you can get some help from this forum.

Just another example of how anitquated the systems are at the FAA.
Thanks for the reply. I suppose I may have the option to go back and get another medical done if it came down to it, but it might just confuse things further with the FAA. Plus the added expense and time to get it done. I'd rather just wait it out though.
Thanks for the reply. I suppose I may have the option to go back and get another medical done if it came down to it, but it might just confuse things further with the FAA. Plus the added expense and time to get it done. I'd rather just wait it out though.
Good luck!
Actually no. No other aME can issue you for 90 days.but a cert. reissuance does not go again through medical occicer review. It is done ny staff!

Start calling 405-954-4821 and let them know that a checkride depends on this....It can be executed in 36 hours.

Have you sent them a copy of your I.D? that and a written request?
Your ame can "upload" them so that they can see it immediately.....
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Thanks for the info. Yeah, I emailed the drivers liscence awhile back, I've called and they've said it is 'updated in their system' so whenever it is issued the name will be corrected.

Also, I have asked specifically just for the name change, thinking it would be done by staff. This is what I received back...

"Since an examiner is already assigned to your application, our office won’t be able issue a replacement medical certificate however, I will send a message to the assigned examiner and request expedited processing"

That was a few months ago. I will give that number a try though first thing after the holiday.
Actually no. No other aME can issue you for 90 days.but a cert. reissuance does not go again through medical occicer review. It is done ny staff!

Start calling 405-954-4821 and let them know that a checkride depends on this....It can be executed in 36 hours.

Have you sent them a copy of your I.D? that and a written request?
Your ame can "upload" them so that they can see it immediately.....

Thanks for the help, unfortunately I received the same story from these guys when I called this morning. Initially the woman told me I needed to contact the regional FS, until I read her a previous email that my file was in OKC. Then she 'found it'. Gave me the same story, nothing can be done with it until it gets reviewed.

I suspect this checkride will not happen for sometime. Maybe reach out to AOPA?
The question I have is why didn't the AME issue it? I just did my third one today. uploaded all the stoff for review, the pscyhologist happend to be a HIMS neuropscyhologist, and all the points were hit dead on. A Well prepared "capital markets" guy....

The purpose of Fast Track was to allow those that qualfied to FLY while awaiting review. If you have all the items and the psychologist signs off on the items in the FAST track's going to be sustained.....
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I do have my first class medical in hand and have been flying, and about ready for my checkride. From what Ive read though a DPE will require the middle name on the certificate, of which I am lacking. I called the Sr AME who issued it, he told me I had to contact OKC.