Touchdown! Greaser!
A little of both.We were last at DET over a week ago but they did break us off for a Citation behind us, and asked us to keep our speed up at least one other time.
Also, at FNT we were cleared to land on 27 and then told to go around for landing traffic on 18. It's pretty much all the towered airports around here, though PTK is definitely the busiest (second in Michigan only to DTW I think).
It's also that my instructor argues that the airplane is easier to control accurately at higher airspeeds. Based on my experience so far, I can't argue with that.
I think all airplanes tend to have their own sweet spot. Push them past that sweet spot and it becomes more difficult.I don't necessarily agree with that. It is true that the plane's response to the controls will be "crisper" and although that does make the plane feel more controllable the faster you go the faster things go awry.
Could you shoot an ILS at 115 knots in a 172? Probably. But it sure wouldn't feel right. OTOH doing it at 115 knots in a Bo would be much different.
I generally fly 90 knot approaches in a Cherokee 180 -- I can stay high and come "racing" down the approach with a lot of RPMs at the last minute -- but it sure doesn't feel that "comfortable". Mostly because one has to delay things to get that sort of speed, plus, the controls just aren't balanced for that.