Acceptance as a gay pilot?

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Considering the alarming number of staunchly religious pilots I meet, I'm surprised I didn't read more of the above nonsense in this thread. Kudos to the rest of y'all.

Also considering the ages of most pilots I meet -- if I have to imagine anyone getting their sex on, (and I don't), it won't be the gay guys giving me the heebie-jeebies. :yikes:

I don't care where anyone puts their genitals in the evening. Fly-ins, which are predominantly attended by the jowl squad, are some of the most asexual activities I go to. Show up in a plane. Hold hands with your partner. Dare them to say anything. They won't. They will criticize you if you bounce the landing though.

when I get God powers....I'll let you know....

in the mean time being forgiven, by the blood, is enough.:D
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By the way they look at each other and treat each other. Some couples can pull the 'buddy' facade off, but typically they slip. Gay couples act like couples.

So two guys bickering means a gay couple. Got it, thanks.

Still don't care.
I wouldn't even say that. I (like most people I know) are fine with brief PDAs- like them even, because it helps remind us that there is love in the world. It's when it gets to the extended make-out session that things turn uncomfortable.

Right, I said make out. Hold hand? Brief hug and kiss? No problem.

But a makeout session or groping? Get a room!
Nobody cares. But the part I don't understand is; I thought everyone flew to get away from their partner? Bringing them along defeats the purpose.:lol:
Unless you start a big make-out session or something I don't think anyone will care. Unless someone told me or I noticed some kissing or hand holding or something I would most likely be oblivious anyway.

Most guys I know from my generation(I'm 32) are of similar persuasion. It's just a not a big deal to most people anymore.
I could say that about opposite sex couples too...

And I have. ;)

I would not complain if a gay couple kissed, but it would raise my eyebrows as inappropriate at a flyin event. When hetro couples kiss someone usually says something to be funny. I would expect the same if a gay couple kissed. It just isn't done around here much. To me, it is not a sign of affection, rather a sign of insecurity in the relationship. :dunno:
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Considering the alarming number of staunchly religious pilots I meet, I'm surprised I didn't read more of the above nonsense in this thread. Kudos to the rest of y'all.

Also considering the ages of most pilots I meet -- if I have to imagine anyone getting their sex on, (and I don't), it won't be the gay guys giving me the heebie-jeebies. :yikes:

I don't care where anyone puts their genitals in the evening. Fly-ins, which are predominantly attended by the jowl squad, are some of the most asexual activities I go to. Show up in a plane. Hold hands with your partner. Dare them to say anything. They won't. They will criticize you if you bounce the landing though.

Now your post I find insulting and revolting. Believing in God does not make you a bigot. While there are religious people who are, it's not a requirement for having belief.
Now your post I find insulting and revolting. Believing in God does not make you a bigot. While there are religious people who are, it's not a requirement for having belief.

I dont think there is much of a secular component to the bigotry movement in this country.
But yes, while most bigots are religious, the inverse is probably not true.
I dont think there is much of a secular component to the bigotry movement in this country.
But yes, while most bigots are religious, the inverse is probably not true.
therefore all rednecks are religious zealots....:rofl::yikes:
Doubt anyone would care, I have a few gay friends and its seldom noticed or brought up.

Now I also know of some gay people who like to highlight the fact that they are gay, as if everyone must acknowledge their sexual preferences, this causes trouble and I don't hang out with them, frankly I don't need to know, it's no ones business, just like me telling everyone that I'm straight, its just not a appropriate topic at most fly ins.
frankly I don't need to know, it's no ones business, just like me telling everyone that I'm straight, its just not a appropriate topic at most fly ins.

Relationship status does come up indirectly more often than not. Usually in the context of kids and grandkids. Even that is not much of a difference these days with gay couples having children.
This subject hits close for me. I could tell a long story, but I will save it. I care about as much about your sexuality as you do about mine. If you make an issue out of it, it will **** me off just as it would **** you off if I made an issue out of mine. I do have beliefs, the first is, love people where they are, how they are. You are welcome anywhere I am. DYEF? That's my only question.
I like happy pilots. . And I will talk with and/or socialize with just about anyone who wants to have a positive interesting conversation about flying.

I avoid people who are negative regardless of their sexual orientation or religious beliefs.

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Years ago I used to be into the drag racing hobby and there was a guy who used to go to the track a lot that would bring his SO with him. Everybody knew they were gay and nobody seemed to make a big deal about it. I would like to think the pilot crowd is at least as mature then the drag racing crowd. Granted this track is in New England, maybe in other parts of the country they would have had experienced a different reaction.
Please please please stay away from our fly ins. All our gay friends are quick and clever, and make me look slow and stupid when we get together(OK, slower and stupider than I appear normally). Don't need that at fly-ins, thank you.
Yes, people will give you grief. As a liberal who dares to express his beliefs when political topics come up I have been called names, harassed, stalked online and generally made to feel quite unwelcome by some people (and, before anyone jumps to conclusions, I'm not "that guy". I'm the one who regularly also gets notes from people on both sides of issues complimenting me on being calm and rational in the face of nonsense). Some people will do this to your face, some cowards will do it behind your back and you'll only find out about it from back channels.

Now that said, this thread illustrates quite well that many, many pilots aren't narrow minded bigots and welcome all pilots. It's a shame that some of the comments were basically "don't ask, don't tell", which seems like a crummy way to have to live ones life. "You can be in our pilot club if you don't tell anyone you're gay". But most of the comments indeed were "Don't care". And this is on PoA, which is inhabited by some, let's say, 'spirited' folks!

Everything will mostly be fine, but you absolutely will run into more bigots in aviation than you do in the general population (as you probably know from being in stealth mode at the moment, certainly I hear some crazy stuff from folks who just assume my beliefs because I'm a pilot). Be ready for that likelihood.
Stupid thread and sick of this issue being thrown around so often. NOBODY CARES what you do in private!! Come to the fly-in say hello and break bread with friends. It's really quite simple.
Yes, people will give you grief. As a liberal who dares to express his beliefs when political topics come up I have been called names, harassed, stalked online and generally made to feel quite unwelcome by some people (and, before anyone jumps to conclusions, I'm not "that guy". I'm the one who regularly also gets notes from people on both sides of issues complimenting me on being calm and rational in the face of nonsense). Some people will do this to your face, some cowards will do it behind your back and you'll only find out about it from back channels.

Now that said, this thread illustrates quite well that many, many pilots aren't narrow minded bigots and welcome all pilots. It's a shame that some of the comments were basically "don't ask, don't tell", which seems like a crummy way to have to live ones life. "You can be in our pilot club if you don't tell anyone you're gay". But most of the comments indeed were "Don't care". And this is on PoA, which is inhabited by some, let's say, 'spirited' folks!

Everything will mostly be fine, but you absolutely will run into more bigots in aviation than you do in the general population (as you probably know from being in stealth mode at the moment, certainly I hear some crazy stuff from folks who just assume my beliefs because I'm a pilot). Be ready for that likelihood.

Now this is a troll if I ever saw one. I'm hoping nobody responds to this garbage.
Stupid thread and sick of this issue being thrown around so often. NOBODY CARES what you do in private!! Come to the fly-in say hello and break bread with friends. It's really quite simple.

Yep that.
Yes, people will give you grief. As a liberal who dares to express his beliefs when political topics come up I have been called names, harassed, stalked online and generally made to feel quite unwelcome by some people (and, before anyone jumps to conclusions, I'm not "that guy". I'm the one who regularly also gets notes from people on both sides of issues complimenting me on being calm and rational in the face of nonsense). Some people will do this to your face, some cowards will do it behind your back and you'll only find out about it from back channels.

Now that said, this thread illustrates quite well that many, many pilots aren't narrow minded bigots and welcome all pilots. It's a shame that some of the comments were basically "don't ask, don't tell", which seems like a crummy way to have to live ones life. "You can be in our pilot club if you don't tell anyone you're gay". But most of the comments indeed were "Don't care". And this is on PoA, which is inhabited by some, let's say, 'spirited' folks!

Everything will mostly be fine, but you absolutely will run into more bigots in aviation than you do in the general population (as you probably know from being in stealth mode at the moment, certainly I hear some crazy stuff from folks who just assume my beliefs because I'm a pilot). Be ready for that likelihood.

Political ideology <> sexual orientation

You got grief for rubbing your political beliefs in peoples faces. Doing so is a decision, being gay is not.
Nice thing about a fly-in is you can introduce your SO as your partner and no one will bat an least not until they ask what kind of plane you own and you reply that you rent...
Political ideology <> sexual orientation

You got grief for rubbing your political beliefs in peoples faces. Doing so is a decision, being gay is not.

I think you are confusing 2 different unregistered's

One is an unregistered gay man "Bryan with an i" (I cannot stress the "i" enough.)

The other is an unregistered politically opinionated guy who may very well also be completely gay but he has not stated that.
I think you are confusing 2 different unregistered's

One is an unregistered gay man "Bryan with an i" (I cannot stress the "i" enough.)

The other is an unregistered politically opinionated guy who may very well also be completely gay but he has not stated that.

Oh, I know they are separate contributors. That is my point. Giving someone grief for the confused political nonsense they are spewing is fair game. Harassing someone for the color of their skin or who they are attracted to is not.

That said, an acquaintance to my wife is not gay, he is 'flaming gay'. No conversation with him can be complete without an off-color remark weaving his gayness into it. I dont like to talk to him, not because he is gay but because he is a piece of work.
If you've been posting and chatting on here for years, there are likely many who have figured out you're gay, it really doesn't matter. I'd expect you to have the same level of problems as Grant and Leslie as a mixed race couple, and I haven't heard of an issue there and they attend flyins.

Grant and Leslie are a mixed race couple?????? Crap on a cracker, I had no idea!!!!
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