I don't understand the fascination with carrying full fuel. You load up your people and bags, and as long as you can then carry enough fuel to get to your destination, plus reserves, you're good. The concept of "full seats and fuel" is a carryover from automobiles, and doesn't translate to airplanes.
With the exception of a few light GA models, in general if you could carry full seats (with adults) and fuel, the fuel tanks would be too small. Most airplanes, at all levels from small 2-seaters to airliners, cannot do full seats and fuel. Does this make them not "real X-seater" airplanes? Of course not.
As you get into larger airplanes, you need to get out of the mindset of always filling the tanks. That's not a reasonable expectation. You put on what you need given the load you're carrying and the distance you're flying.