A bit of an update. I called the seller, he believes he has a 180 that is safe to fly, and could be flown out. But let's get real. with out logs you can't prove compliance with part 39, or part 91.4__. It has not flown since July 09. I asked where the aircraft is kept, and found to be in a hangar at Cashmere Wa. I know The Stewarts who have lived there many years, I talked to them to see if I could determine the condition of the 180. They told me that in fact the logs are gone, it is their and a couple others belief that the owners wife did not know what they were and trashed them. So they are not recoverable.
My best advice for this aircraft is simple.
Comply with Part 39 by using Ad log, by doing a complete inventory and buying their book of ADs that apply.
I questioned the local 180 expert, and found he has a 53 - 180 it came from the factory with a heartzell prop. so the mcCauley is a upgrade done to get rid of all the ADs. You would be required to see the data tag on the prop to get a proper AD list.
Engine, less than 300 hours ago a top was done, using three chrome cylinders, and three re-worked, but the lower end has never been apart. I'm really uneasy about that. this is a 0-470-A, These early 470s had a bucket full of problems.
For both individuals who contacted me on this aircraft I advised they walk. It is a huge project. and they' ll need a healthy budget, and a place to work it. neither did.