Exactly! I brought this up in another thread, I think the difference between a persons basal reaction to stress, accelerate or freeze, is a greater factor in your survival in an emergency than anything else.
The guy clearly ad an SI for his CAD and it was up on March 31. So he had reason to know, and endangered his spouse anyway, leaving her upstairs.
That's being a sch_uck to the one who has spent her whole life with you. I wonder what his headstone will say.....
roncachamp is an air traffic controller up in that area. I wonder what he has heard about this.
Paging Steve M.
That's like that mom in the Titanic that tucked her kids in and waited to die. What is the point of that?!I had a customer in my frame shop (she was a regular) explain to me that if her husband died at the controls, she would want to just go down with him.
I do regret the comment as to "leaving his wife up there".
She had REMARKABLE composure.
You are too a pilot, you can land a plane all by yourself.
I had a customer in my frame shop (she was a regular) explain to me that if her husband died at the controls, she would want to just go down with him. I had been trying to talk her into taking a pinch hitter course.
I told her that I admired her love and loyalty, but when that ground is rushing up at you, it is unlikely that such romantic notions would be going through her head.
She was pretty offended at my comments. Never saw her again.
Solo for the title, primed and ready one landing away.
Ask her if she'd feel different about that if her son or daughter (or better yet grandson/granddaughter) was in the plane with her.I had a customer in my frame shop (she was a regular) explain to me that if her husband died at the controls, she would want to just go down with him. I had been trying to talk her into taking a pinch hitter course.
I told her that I admired her love and loyalty, but when that ground is rushing up at you, it is unlikely that such romantic notions would be going through her head.
She was pretty offended at my comments. Never saw her again.
Don't have a desire to be "up there" all alone....plus I hate tests.
I am content knowing what I know-- and knowing I can "assist" if need be. Plus I have learned everything from the right seat, which is where I would be most of the time......Brad refers to me as his "Emergency Pilot"
I'm not usually the type to resurrect an old thread, although this one's not too old and I mean the following question in absolutely no light-hearted way. After all this was a tragedy.
After this successful landing, could this woman log this as PIC? Or would it be considered dual instruction, as she was being coached by ATC. In other words, does dual have to have an instructor present or on the radio?
Without a current medical she can't log it... IMHO
After this successful landing, could this woman log this as PIC?
I had a chat with a woman who rides right seat with her husband in a meridian. They had a Cherokee 6 for 28 years. I asked if she had learned to land yet. No. Well, we talked about this woman and what she did and I encouraged her to at least learn where the important buttons are so she could take instruction to land on the fly in an emergency. She said she would hope that she and her husband both could "go" together. I asked well, what if your grand daughters are with you? Ah, different response! I think I'll talk to the meridian people and get some lessons..... I told her I'd drop by their place sometime on my way up to midland and see how she's doing. Lovely woman, hope she follows through
Take the granddaughterssons too, spare them a life of servitude.