The demonization of the Laffer Curve, and it's author, has always struck me as odd.
In economics (as well as math and physics) data often plots along curves.
And once one establishes the end points - 0% tax rate and 100% tax rate - as producing essentially zero tax revenue, the fact that tax revenue at various points would end up plotted on a curve seems almost self-evident.
Good basic explanation here:
I guess it liberals like to to focus on the "left" side of the curve - they cannot envision that raising tax rates beyond a certain point is counterproductive - they just imagine that there's always more revenue to be had by raising tax rates - normally with the provision "on the rich" or "on the top "x percent".
Like I said, just strikes me as odd, is all.
Finally, one reason I did not vote for Obama the first time was that when confronted with the idea that increasing tax rates could sometimes result in decreasing tax revenue, he responded, in effect, "Yes, but it's still only fair". Led me to believe he just did not "get" economics, and saw taxation as a way to bring "fairness" via redistribution.