I take that back. I have not done this. I did something similar? I went to a 3rd parth and they sent for my DoJ records. Is this the same thing?
Very few here really KNOW the answer to this. And the part you're missing is that unlike a lot of bureaucracies, FAA aeromedical is first and foremost a medical organization. Not a law enforcement organization. They're Doctors. Not lawyers and judges. They don't think the same way as lawyers and judges.
Law enforcement will pull records and follow a particular set of rules to do their job. Judge will say "not a problem" or "must do X to meet the statute" and it's fairly cut and dried. Most people are used to this sort of bureaucracy.
FAA will pull records and say "Show us proof that you have been treated for this behavioral problem from YOUR medical professionals. We are not your doctors."
Records will indicate/hint at a medical/psychological pattern to FAA in substance abuse cases.
Docs like Bruce sit in the breach between the Doctors who are responsible for your care and behavior and translate that information into what FAA wants to see in very specific words on paper with their signature next to it AND his.
HIMS Docs are a system FAA trusts and ONLY a HIMS Doctor and your medical Doc and usually a psych Doc MUST send PROOF that there is no BEHAVIORAL problem today to FAA.
FAA doesn't really have a time limit on substance abuse automatically not being a problem anymore like a law court might. They want specific evidence of treatment, compliance with a recognized treatment program, and various other things that ONLY a current and up to date HIMS Doc will know the specifics of.
It's not optional. Substance abuse MUST go through a HIMS Doc, as far as I can tell. A professional Doc who has the FAA blessing MUST be used.
The information the HIMS Doc collects comes from your medical professionals and they review it and also sign it saying "FAA, this person meets the standards of being well treated AND meets the standards of documented proof that the behavioral treatment worked..."
I noticed you quoted him trying to get his attention. Doc stops by here from time to time, but he's available directly at his email or via telephone side that's his vocation and those contacts get his first priority for his time.
Pilot message boards are something he does as a side help thing for the community.
But you're best off to call or write him directly. He WILL help. He is very good at what he does. He will tell you concisely and directly what he and FAA require to issue a Medical certificate to someone with your specific substance abuse medical history. It's about making sure you're healthy with documented proof of treatment.
FAA won't accept anything less. And they won't take your word for it. Professional medical statements are required. FAA will not take on the risk of any pilot saying a pattern of substance abuse is in their past. Every substance abuser says that, and they know it. The only way they can accept it is if a person treating the substance abuser says it's in their past.
That's the hard knocks of substance abuse and FAA. The Doctors at aeromedical need documents from other professional doctors saying you're not behaving badly and they make those doctors provide that through a specially certified AME with HIMS privileges.