2nd weekend in a row TFRd by Trump :(

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I'm waiting to do something stupid inadvertently and get intercepted by a Blackhawk. Oh the indignity of getting intercepted in your slow plane by a helicopter.

There were , count them, 4 TFR's in South Florida last weekend. Of course the presidential one, 2 stadiums and 1 racetrack. If that is not excessive , I don't know what is.

Palm Beach businesses, including the Palm Beach County Airports director Bruce Pelly, are already clamoring for relief from the current POTUS almost consecutive weekend stays at the "winter White House". So it's not just you OP, looks like people are noticing...

As a mil pilot, I think the constant intercepts are gratuitous. The manner in which they are managing these TFRs is out of control. I know my fighter brethren gotta mix it up every once in a while, but this self-licking ice cream cone scramble kabuki is a bit too "make-work program" even for my taste. Some fiscal temperance is in order here. Ah who am I kidding, we're talking about the SS deputy fifes and the DoD.....
Trump was working to stop PBI traffic over ML for years.... He has gotten his way.

That much of your post is definitely true.

He bought a resort located near the main east-west runway.

Subsequently, he spent many years suing the airport, going so far as to claim the airport was purposefully sending traffic over his property. Duh.
This is Trump's fault, how?

It isn't but there is a lot of irony since him and his family are costing us hundreds of millions in security costs not to mention lost revenue for small business. The SS and FAA are the real ones to blame for the TFR.
It isn't but there is a lot of irony since he and his family are costing us hundreds of millions in security costs not to mention lost revenue for small business. The SS and FAA are the real ones to blame for the TFR.

Several posts in this thread have been deleted and the thread has been closed because some members crossed the line dividing talk about TFRs and partisan mudslinging. In future threads about TFRs, please refrain from making comments about the political views and perceived motives of officeholders and former officeholders.
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