2024 PoA Operations Fundraiser


Super Administrator
Management Council Member
PoA Supporter
Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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Well, believe it or not it has already been about a year and a half since our last fundraiser initiative to help cover the cost associated with site upkeep and maintenance.

As some of you know, Pilots of America periodically runs a fundraiser to gather donations to support the upkeep of the site and the expenses that come along with it. We are now going to open up a fundraising period again, and we would like to kindly ask that you consider donating to help fund the operation of Pilots of America.

As a little background, Pilots of America is a nonprofit organization. We are not a 501(c)3, but rather a state registered nonprofit. As such, none of us (moderators and technical administrators) receive any money for the work done with the site. It costs us a few hundred dollars per month for the AWS resources necessary to keep the site running and backed up. Plus, we have to pay for domain registration, software/plugin updates for necessary and requested features, etc., so the fee’s add up.

We would like to, once again, raise enough money to keep everything running for another year or so, but to do this, we need YOUR help!

As a token of appreciation for your generosity, you will receive a fancy ‘PoA Supporter’ badge next to your name like mine. If you already have one, than making a donation will extend the time effectiveness of it and further your commitment to keep PoA alive and well!

Our end goal, as always, is to make Pilots of America a great resource for pilots (and aviation enthusiasts in general) for generations to come, and by making a donation, you’re helping to ensure that becomes a reality!

If you'd like to donate an amount more (or less) than those listed, feel free to send me a PM and I’ll be happy to work with you. You can also purchase more than one of the levels, if you desire!

The donation options can be found here - https://www.pilotsofamerica.com/community/account/upgrades

Thank you! :)

Ryan - On behalf of the Management Council