2015 Goals


Cleared for Takeoff
Jun 1, 2014
McMinnville, OR
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Been thinking of aviation goals for 2015.

Originally, I thought I would get my IFR, but recent events with the Remos has made me rethink this.

I'm thinking of going back to the basics: basic airmanship.

So, I think 2015 will include

Aerobatic training
Mountain flying
Taildragger flying

Need to learn the airplane. Then I can think about instrument flying.
Hopefully scheduling the CFI ride in January so I can teach part time during my last semester of college (I already got two schools that said they would hire me!). I plan to build a few hundred hours of instruction then work on my comm multi add on, then go for CFII and MEI and build my multi time and apply for the regionals.
Fly more,more cross country flights. Maybe a new add on.
I'd like to get a glider rating.
Take my wife on a variety of cross country trips, in and out of state.
Finish up my instructor ratings, and fly more. Maybe some formal acro training if extra funds exist.
Finish a short 135 stint and start into the 91 jet world
Finish getting the club off of the ground
Commercial Checkride - mid Jan (crosses fingers)
FOI, AGI, IGI tests completed - mid Jan
CFI ride complete (might be pushing it)
A lot more instructing.
Going up in a glider, few more sky dives, Tailwheel endorsement + lots of acro training.
I Really want my own plane.

My dad is finalizing his Cirrus purchase which I am no doubt excited about but something to be said for having your own car versus borrowing your old man's ride.

If I can't make it happen next year then helping Mrs. 6PC work on her ppl should be fun.

That and whatever flights I get to have with my dad. He's the best co-pilot :)

Mom has her first flying lesson scheduled in January.
I am riding backseat for that. 2015 is going to be fun.
Just started my IR, planning to get my commercial and CFI this year. Hopefully get AMEL as well. I'm also in the process of buying a plane and want to fly it coast to coast this summer.
Finish my planes interior refurb, do a series of XC trips, complete instrument rating.

I might actually finish the interior this year.... Down to 12 plastic pieces to fit, trim, paint.
I'd like to finish my IR and possibly take a few "overnight" trips..
Possibly Tail Dragger certificate..
Lots more acro. I've kind of fallen in love with it and wouldn't mind buying a Pitts someday...

Some glider.

Depending on how things play out, maybe pursue a CFI.
Just hoping to fly for another year.
Felt ten feet tall and bullet proof most of 2014, ran my farms, drove tractors, wrenched on machinery, flew, boated, yadda, yadda.
Funny how things change suddenly. Don't put things off guys, you might not get there.
A year without a DUI would be nice, not getting busted for lying on my medical or my chronic buzzing habit would also be good. This thing on?
Passing my medical without problems.
Expanding the business.
Getting funded for that expansion.
Not crashing.
Buy the farm.
Another year with my wonderful wife.
Get off my ass and decide what I'm going to do with respect to flying.

Either dump a bucket of money into getting my medical back or take the same bucket of money and learn free flight (HG or PG), buy my own gear, sell my share of the plane, and give the FAA the finger as I free fly on my own terms.
I'm happy with your second choice. Of course digging soaring flight is a personal thing. Chasing the wx is a pain. No medical no real(faa) license and my flying machine sits ready and zero cost to operate happily stored in the closet. Back to waiting on the weather.
Take my wife on a few cross country trips from KPSC to KCOE. Based on that experience, buy a plane (either something with 4 seats or 2 seater depending on whether she likes to fly or not) and start my IR training. Finally spend another year (39 in 2015) with my lovely, supporting and encouraging wife.
Try and fly 500+ hours in 2015. I am going to try to get a job at a drop zone, and possibly an instruction job at a seaplane operator. Beyond that, I want to get a lot of instruction and pic under my belt. Still haven't decides if I want to get my CFII yet or not.
Do the ATP practical test or get the glider rating.
Fly more, go back to OSH and see the things we didn't see this year.
Learn German
Go on a trip with grandpa
Tailwheel, HP, glider... just more ratings.
Pass 1,000 hours.
Get my own airplane.
Get married. :yikes:
Just got my private... next stop is instrument rating. So, I plan on taking as many XCs as possible.
Along the way, I want to do some aerobatic intro/confidence flights and possibly go for my glider rating.
ATP multi checkride is priority, hopefully in January if weather cooperates....which it hasn't been lately. Then maybe seaplane next summer.
Hours: Same as every year, at least 100 and I hope to bust a total time of 1000 hours.

It will be different for us this year. I will be retired shortly after our home in North Wilmington is sold. I have no plane in Delaware, we gave up the hangar at New garden and now keep 08Romeo in Maryland full time. Maybe we'll use the plane in reverse, flights 'from' the beach to visit family and friends in Delaware instead of weekend beach runs.

Mary and I have discussed more four day get-aways. We are looking forward to Jekyll Island, GA., visiting family in Boston, finally crossing Mackinac Island off our bucket list and a few more hot spots. We have also talked about getting back into animal rescue flights for MAESSR.

Aircraft Upgrades:
Still on the list is Replacing the Collins Audio panel with a PMA800B panel. Replace the Century I autopilot with an STEC capable of shooting approaches and tracking course.
1. Fly 100+ hours
3. Fly a handful of Angel Flights
4. Increase useful load for 2 more gals of av gas
5. Fly to Oshkosh
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Get in 100 or more hours
Fix a few niggling problems with the 8A
Fly one cross country per month
Add one state to my map
Goal is to make some new goals for 2016....rinse and repeat.

Everything else is just filler....enjoy the journey...the destination is overrated. Whatever your plans may be.