2015 Goals

1. Get my wife to fly more often with me to try and get her more comfortable in the air
2. Make more cross country flights to visit family and for fun. I want to start increasing the distance and frequency of my flights to increase my comfort level in the cockpit
3. Take some lessons with my CFI to try spins and some actual soft field landings
4. Maybe at the end of the year start IR training.
Building my work shop at home, reducing my work load to some fun projects here at home. Trying to fly more work less.
Get my own airplane, IR, and get started on commercial.

If time and $ allow, some aerobatic/spin instruction with Greg Koontz.
Buy our first airplane

Fly more Angel Flight missions (one per month would be a good starting goal)

Visit Alaska, do some Alaska bush and float flying (commercial trip up there)

Some X/C trips: OSH, Gastons, Kentucky/Tennessee (see "Whiskey Flight" thread), Savannah / FL / Bahamas

Commercial rating--maybe
Commercial and mayhap buy my first plane. (Hint hint looking for a 182).