I know some folks who don't fear the structural integrity of bridges, but more the tiny voice at the back of their head that tells them going over the railing might be fun. Like that magnetic bit of vertigo while riding a bike on a sidewalk with a drop off on the side - it slowly, steadily, just makes you drift ever so slightly until . . .
Not me, but that that's what some family members have told me about bridge freak-outs. Like, they're OK as passenger, but can't stand to drive across 'em. [Edit to add:] Edgar Allen Poe introduced this notion to me as "the imp of the perverse."
In flying, I've only had 2 brief WTF moments. One was flying commercial (pax), very overtired, and possibly imbibing, and had a full out-of-body realization that I was hurtling through the very-high-up air in a metal tube. About 24 seconds of anxiety, and then I was fine. Other was a flight or two into transitioning from Cherokees to Cessnas. After liftoff, turning left to crosswind, I glanced down at the tire and had the full realization of it/us just hanging in the air. My brain/eyes did that receding hallway dollly counter-zoom thing from scary movies with the ground, had a brief sensation of tumbling out of the seat, and then I was fine a second or two later. Allegedly.
Climbing towers, cliffs, roofs, etc., I'm fine if I have a firm footing, hand grab, and/or a safety harness. You wont' ever catch me free-climbing above about 5 feet, though.
Brains are funny, mmmkay?