Oh that’s not the case at this airport. It’s the opposite, or maybe ore accurately, it’s this on steroids. They have a complicated procedure for shooting approaches that apparently allows 20 people to do it at once “safely” so the school can pump out puppies at a breakneck speed.this part of training with instrument students is very deficient.. they'll make one radio call "on the VOR ALPHA practice approach" .. what the hell is that? Even a 20,000 hr IR pilot shouldn't be expected to have all the approaches memorized and ready when they're just doing a vfr burger run
Let's try "5 miles to the south, on a long final to rwy X, remaining above 1,500, then departing to the northwest when over the field" - at least now the others know what the hell you're doing
This enhances safety. And, I’m not sure how people are supposed to know this before they go to the airport.
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