172 CS Prop - grease spots on windshield and cowling


Filing Flight Plan
Nov 1, 2023
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So I’ve had intermittent specs of what I thought was oil on the windshield. I had it looked at as soon as I noticed it. My mechanic couldn’t find evidence of a leak when I took it in for maintenance or during my last annual. Last week I found a small but enough to cause concern amount on the engine cowling. The spots are like a fine mist and very faint. I had a different mechanic look at it, he found the origin point of grease leaking from 2 of the prop blade roots and he consulted the prop shop. They recommended overhaul without seeing it.
It only has 600hrs since overhaul. Is there an option to reseal the prop seals without overhaul? Sending this thing away for overhaul seems aggressive. What would a 172RG 3 blade CS prop cost to overhaul? Is that a week long lead time or 2 months?
I also found out that I’ve been way too aggressive when cycling the prop on run-up. Curious to see if that makes a difference.
You did not specify Prop manufacturer.

If a McCauley they generally contain pink grease

that may identify a crack.
You did not specify Prop manufacturer.

If a McCauley they generally contain pink grease

that may identify a crack.
It’s a McCauley. The grease is not pink, I did discuss that with my mechanic who has recommended keeping a close eye on it until my work season is over (November) At that point I will overhaul it but right now I’m looking at any alternative actions/options to keep me in the air short of being unsafe. Including waiting until I earn a little coin this season and buying a new prop to keep on standby incase this one gets to the point it needs to be taken off.
Do NOT do an overhaul, but have them do an IRAN.

An overhaul requires that they reprofile (grind) the blades. A few times, and then the blades get condemned and you are buying new blades or a new prop.
If you are buying parts in advance….shouldn’t you have the hub etc on hand as well?

Good luck