121 Pilot Medical Training


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Jul 3, 2012
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I was wondering if our airline POAers are required to attend periodic basic life saving (BLS) courses? If so, what is the extent of the training? Thanks.
Not sure what each individual airline requires, but typically for pilots it's stay in the cockpit and fly the airplane.

Cabin crew would be more beneficial for BLS type training.
No. But then again I’ve never had a box have a heart attack.
At my last scheduled 135 carrier in Alaska, pilots were required to take a basic life saving/CPR course with the local fire dept. Now, flying medevac, I have a med crew back there for that stuff.
Have had training in how to use the auto defibrillator gizmos… but that’s about it.

It’s part of initial training, never to be learnt agin.
At my last scheduled 135 carrier in Alaska, pilots were required to take a basic life saving/CPR course with the local fire dept. Now, flying medevac, I have a med crew back there for that stuff.
Yeah I should’ve asked for both 121/135 input. We’re getting ready to start the training but I was just curious if it was common in the industry for pilots to be trained. I believe FAs are required but haven’t really read anything on pilots.
Our flight attendants get basic first aid & cpr training.
Cockpit crew? We call for the patch through to the doctor. That’s it.