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  1. westslopeco

    How big of a pain in the rear is it to take out the rear seats in a 172?

    Is the sign off required if it is just a temporary change. The seats would be out for only two flights. Of course the weight and balance calcs are moot if I can't get the seats out easily :)
  2. westslopeco

    How big of a pain in the rear is it to take out the rear seats in a 172?

    1972 R172K. It looks like there are only four bolts securing the rear seats, seat belts have quick connects to anchors in the floor. The seat frame is one big bench, but there are separate cushions/backrests for each side. It appears that there is some sort of mechanism to pivot the...
  3. westslopeco

    Burning Colorado

    Only that which insurance will not replace. Mostly stuff with sentimental value (photo albums, china cups that belonged to my grandmother, etc). Everything else stays behind.
  4. westslopeco

    Grand Junction, CO Airshow - Blue Angels - Sept 21, 22, 23 2012

    Are you planing on flying in? I didn't see any info about aircraft parking, airport closure times etc. It would be cool to fly in for the day!
  5. westslopeco

    Cessna 337

    Welcome to Steamboat, even though you haven't moved here yet! I think a turbo 337 would make a great Steamboat aircraft. I am a member of the flying club here, and we have a TR182 (in addition to a straight leg 182 and a R172K). I haven't had a chance to fly the Turbo yet, but have never had...
  6. westslopeco

    Landing and eating mainly

    Just to add to Murphy's list - Steamboat Springs (KSBS) has a $5 ramp fee, but also has two courtesy cars available. The airport and FBO are city owned, so there is political motivation to make the airport finacially self sufficient, hence the ramp fee.
  7. westslopeco

    Keeping Cats out of the garden

    "ornamental gravel", isn't that an oxymoron? :wink2:
  8. westslopeco

    Pet poll

    When we travel with our dog, we seek out pet friendly hotels. However, most places that we stay do not allow you to leave your pet in the room unattended, which I agree with, because a dog alone in an unfamilar place will most likely bark or engage in destructive behaivor. Perhaps you should...
  9. westslopeco

    Flying into KAPA - need local advice

    Well I ended up not making the flight for obvious reasons to those dwelling on the Front Range. Instead I took the FIKI Subaru. Round trip was 9 hours instead of 4...of course I did stop at a few shops in the Wheat Ridge on my back. Thanks for the advice, I am sure I will be using it at some...
  10. westslopeco

    Flying into KAPA - need local advice

    Yes, I will be on Flight Following, so hoping for the straight in. I have chosen TAC Air based on Mari's and your recomendation. Flight is tomorrow morning. I would love to meet for lunch, but since I am departing Steamboat at 9:00am, I am hoping for a quick turn @ KAPA so we can beat any...
  11. westslopeco

    Flying into KAPA - need local advice

    First flight into KAPA. We are dropping off a dog that we cared for this week. What is a good place to meet the person we are handing the dog off to, ideally it would be a place that is easy to find both for us taxiing, and the person driving to the airport? Are there any special procedures...
  12. westslopeco

    Prepare for AMU pain!

    Do you have a link for the Photo Window? That might be a cool thing to put in our club 182...
  13. westslopeco

    My passed checkride

    Excellent. I am glad that you and Saracelia stuck it out and did the restest.
  14. westslopeco

    Checkride - PASSED!

    Congrats!!!!!!!! You is a pilot!
  15. westslopeco

    FAR question - Transponders

    Greeley would be an option, but I already have an appointment and ground transport lined up at Jeffco. Piloto, I expect your right!!
  16. westslopeco

    FAR question - Transponders

    Our club's 172 transponder cert expires at the end of April. Unfortunately there is no one on our home field that can do the cert. It needs to be flown down to Jeffco (Rocky Mtn Metro) to get certified. The problem is that it can't be flown down until next weekend (which is in May). According to...
  17. westslopeco

    Passed my Checkride! *Warning LONG POST!!*

    Congrats, and nice write up!!
  18. westslopeco

    C182RG vs Cherokee 6/300 for big guy

    I hate to bring up the High Wing vs Low Wing thing, but if you are flying the family around the country to see it, I would think everyone would see more in the High Wing.
  19. westslopeco

    Colorado Pilots - Sat/Sun Mar 7/8 2012

    Thinking about flying over, but the winds aloft forcast for tomorrow looks a tad high