Flying into KAPA - need local advice


Line Up and Wait
Aug 24, 2007
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First flight into KAPA. We are dropping off a dog that we cared for this week. What is a good place to meet the person we are handing the dog off to, ideally it would be a place that is easy to find both for us taxiing, and the person driving to the airport?

Are there any special procedures to keep in mind, prefered runup areas etc? I know that you don't call tower after runup, but wait tell they call you.

First flight into KAPA. We are dropping off a dog that we cared for this week. What is a good place to meet the person we are handing the dog off to, ideally it would be a place that is easy to find both for us taxiing, and the person driving to the airport?

Are there any special procedures to keep in mind, prefered runup areas etc? I know that you don't call tower after runup, but wait tell they call you.

I would probably go to TAC Air. It's the circled building in the picture with the ramp to the west.


As far as calling after runup, you call ground to say you are ready then they tell you to monitor tower.
TACAir has cheapest self-serve fuel, even if you don't park there. Centennial is fairly easy to deal with. If you're on flight following, it's trivial because they'll hand you off. Since you're coming in from the NW, call tower about 10 miles out. If lucky (not much traffic) you'll be vectored straight in to 17L over Cherry Creek Reservoir (and over my house on the north shore).

17L will close on Monday, May 14 for about 5 weeks for new construction and stuff. But there's always 17R - it's only 8000 ft.

If you're going to be there long, Perfect Landing upstairs for food. What day, what time? Will happily meet for lunch. Nate's not far away either. If Mari's not flying, she might be available too.

WARNING - There's a growing amount of student traffic in the BJC/LMO/EIK/FNL area in addition to the regular traffic for BJC and FNL. To make matters even more interesting, Allegiant is considering a daily service to Vegas/Phoenix/SLC (right now only twice a week) out of FNL. FNL has politely asked that traffic in the area give Allegiant right-of-way (yes, we know all about the rules) for safety. You really don't want a bunch of 172 and LSAs in the pattern with an MD80.

Seems that the entire NW corner of the area including Class B is being used as practice area for the schools. There's a major effort going on to come up with a reasonable way for everyone to communicate. Yes, I know about 122.75, but there's no agreement among all the stakeholders & FAA yet.

At the meeting last week (the 2nd or 3rd on this issue) they expected about 15-20 people. Over 200 attended.
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TACAir has cheapest self-serve fuel, even if you don't park there. Centennial is fairly easy to deal with. If you're on flight following, it's trivial because they'll hand you off. Since you're coming in from the NW, call tower about 10 miles out. If lucky (not much traffic) you'll be vectored straight in to 17L over Cherry Creek Reservoir (and over my house on the north shore).

17L will close on Monday, May 14 for about 5 weeks for new construction and stuff. But there's always 17R - it's only 8000 ft.

If you're going to be there long, Perfect Landing upstairs for food. What day, what time? Will happily meet for lunch. Nate's not far away either. If Mari's not flying, she might be available too.

WARNING - There's a growing amount of student traffic in the BJC/LMO/EIK/FNL area in addition to the regular traffic for BJC and FNL. To make matters even more interesting, Allegiant is considering a daily service to Vegas/Phoenix/SLC (right now only twice a week) out of FNL. FNL has politely asked that traffic in the area give Allegiant right-of-way (yes, we know all about the rules) for safety. You really don't want a bunch of 172 and LSAs in the pattern with an MD80.

Seems that the entire NW corner of the area including Class B is being used as practice area for the schools. There's a major effort going on to come up with a reasonable way for everyone to communicate. Yes, I know about 122.75, but there's no agreement among all the stakeholders & FAA yet.

At the meeting last week (the 2nd or 3rd on this issue) they expected about 15-20 people. Over 200 attended.

Yes, I will be on Flight Following, so hoping for the straight in. I have chosen TAC Air based on Mari's and your recomendation.

Flight is tomorrow morning. I would love to meet for lunch, but since I am departing Steamboat at 9:00am, I am hoping for a quick turn @ KAPA so we can beat any Tstorm buildups. Want to be back on the ground @ SBS before Noon!!

I did all my training out of Jeffco, so I have a rough idea of the traffic in the practice area. Once Jeffco tower advised me "Multiple targets, multiple headings, be carefull!" as we departed their Delta. Fun stuff!
Add my vote for TAC Air.

On special procedures, there are two that apply to departures.

One is like 3-4 other Class Ds in the US - you don't switch to Tower automatically; you stay on ground until Ground tells you to switch.

The other is fairly new and deals with run-ups. There are two new designated run=up areas near the departure ends of the 17L/35R. Because they are not large, ATC wants you to advise on initial call to Ground whether a run-up is required (or if you have done one on the ramp before calling them).

Both are on the ATIS.
thread hijack....

If I want to go to KAPA and eat at Perfect Landings do I have to pay to tie down and is there any other fee? I actually want to go to KCOS and eat there too. Same question I call beforehand to ask who charges what?
thread hijack....

If I want to go to KAPA and eat at Perfect Landings do I have to pay to tie down and is there any other fee? I actually want to go to KCOS and eat there too. Same question I call beforehand to ask who charges what?

First, it never hurts to call. Folks are almost always helpful.

No fees at COS if you park at Cutter. It is courteous to buy some fuel but it's not required. Keep the receipt for reimbursement from Vector (assuming you're renting from them).

At APA you shouldn't have to pay the JetCenter's fee. I never have but they have tried to collect. Could always park at Tacair and walk over.
Are there any special procedures to keep in mind, prefered runup areas etc? I know that you don't call tower after runup, but wait tell they call you.

The special procedures are outlined on the ATIS. Make yourself a little checklist...

- All VFR traffic notify Ground your direction of flight.
- All aircraft advise if run-up is complete.

Here's how it goes...

If you have your run-up completed and tell the Ground controller so (my favorite), they'll just give you taxi instructions to the runway and you stay with them.

They'll then say "Monitor Tower now, 118.9" and you switch and listen. No call up. Tower will sequence you into the traffic and you'll be on your way. Usually very fast.

Since we're taxiing up from Area Hotel, there's a bejillion places to run-up down there on the ramp, safely. Over at TacAir, maybe... maybe not...

If you do NOT have a run-up completed prior to calling Ground, they'll give you taxi instructions to one of the designated run-up areas. If unfamiliar, just tell them so. You're NOT cleared OUT of the run-up area. (They're doing this so they can put jets down the taxiways and get them out and off without anyone blocking a taxiway. Everyone's either on their way to the runway for sequenced departures, or they're on their way to a run-up box. No one wandering out of run-up boxes onto taxiways without a clearance.

(They aren't well marked on the taxi/airport diagram yet. There's one at each end of the 17/35 complex on Alpha, and one where 10/28/35/17 all come together there in the middle on the Ramp East of the big intersection there. At Centennial, anytime you're East of Alpha, you're not in a controlled area. The ramp is uncontrolled, as is the ramp area alongside of 10/28. There will never be a real taxiway there because the tower can't see over the hangars.)

Okay, you go to the run-up area and finish that up, then here's where your usual habits will break. You'll set the radio for Tower... out of habit. Don't.

Call GROUND back and tell them you're run-up complete, ready for departure. They'll then give you taxi instructions to leave the run-up box. Don't taxi out of it until then.

You'll then get the same as above with the run-up completed... "MONITOR Tower now, 118.9." Resist the urge to key up and report on. GRIN... just listen.

Be ready for an immediate departure once you leave the run-up area. They already have your direction of flight from the ground controller, so they'll probably give you instructions on how to head that direction, or they'll say "fly straight out".

About ten seconds after they tell you to "monitor" tower you'll usually be on your way. If not, look downwind and you'll probably see the traffic you're holding for on final. :)
thread hijack....

If I want to go to KAPA and eat at Perfect Landings do I have to pay to tie down and is there any other fee? I actually want to go to KCOS and eat there too. Same question I call beforehand to ask who charges what?

Seems like the landing fee is semi-urban legend. Allegedly, if you're there to patronize a business, there's no fee. Perfect Landing is in that category. In all the times I fly in for various reasons (lunch, AngelFlight, Arapahoe Aero, etc) I've never been asked to pay any fees.

Of course the latest bill from Arapahoe Aero definitely offsets any and all fees the airport could possibly charge me....
Oh no... now what?

Just the continuing soap opera of the engine monitor showing cylinder #3 running hot.

I'm about to invoke Plan D - disconnect the engine monitor. Then I won't see anything that worries me.
Just the continuing soap opera of the engine monitor showing cylinder #3 running hot.

Ahh, Western finally broke down and said if John could install their stuff, he could also do the investigative work? ;)

I'm about to invoke Plan D - disconnect the engine monitor. Then I won't see anything that worries me.

Well I ended up not making the flight for obvious reasons to those dwelling on the Front Range. Instead I took the FIKI Subaru. Round trip was 9 hours instead of 4...of course I did stop at a few shops in the Wheat Ridge on my back. Thanks for the advice, I am sure I will be using it at some point in the future.
Well I ended up not making the flight for obvious reasons to those dwelling on the Front Range. Instead I took the FIKI Subaru. Round trip was 9 hours instead of 4...of course I did stop at a few shops in the Wheat Ridge on my back. Thanks for the advice, I am sure I will be using it at some point in the future.
I figured that was the case when I saw a few random flakes drift down from the sky this morning. Hope to catch you next time!
I was out at the airport this morning and thought of you trip. Didn't look good from FNL. I did cancel the CPA Walden trip tomorrow.
I was out at the airport this morning and thought of you trip. Didn't look good from FNL. I did cancel the CPA Walden trip tomorrow.

Shoulda sent a note to Steve to post it on the CPA website, too. But it was obvious - I cancelled my plans for Walden on Thursday...
I had it on the calendar but hadn't signed up due to the planned shop visit.

The airplane isn't out of the shop yet. In fact, it's going to get tight to go possibly visit Jesse before Gaston's if it's not done by middle of next week. .

I know the tires arrived today from the UPS tracking but they already had a set, so that wasn't slowing anything down.

I suspect the new window is taking significant time to install. No point in interrupting them with phone calls.

Should know more on Monday. We'll check in then. See how it's going.
Shoulda sent a note to Steve to post it on the CPA website, too. But it was obvious - I cancelled my plans for Walden on Thursday...
Weather is so changeable this time of year, I waited till Friday. I notified all that signed up. If they didn't sign up, they are on their own.