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  1. P

    Engine sputtering on takeoff

    These "taxi tests" often end up with the airplane flying to the surprise of the pilot, other end up off the runway... I don't know if it's the distraction of looking for problems or being surprised when the airplane gets light, but way too many of those tests end poorly. The sad part is that...
  2. P

    Engine sputtering on takeoff

    Full power taxi tests down the runway have the bad habit of ending poorly.
  3. P

    Engine sputtering on takeoff

    Call to get my ride back to the airport and then see what the maintenance department can do. I brought them a good airplane and expect a good airplane back. Odds are you're going to need tools you won't have in the airplane to diagnose the problem and I'd want to know exactly what the shop...
  4. P

    Favorite Quotes

    or politics :eek:
  5. P

    182 check out

    The aspen is going to be the biggest change; if you keep the airplane in trim, the 182 is a well balance airplane and doesn't have a heavy nose on landing.
  6. P

    Engine issue O-360

    Before disassembling the engine, I would have tried a different carb which would be my next step.
  7. P

    Retract FIKI Turbo Cirrus SR22

    A guy in Germany built two RV-4 that only had one difference; one was retractable. The difference in speed was 4 knots IIRC.
  8. P

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    I saw one of those locally, pointed it out, and people didn't get that it wasn't a "sale".
  9. P

    Cirrus Pilot gets it right

    Emergency power off landings in a Cirrus are no jokes and I doubt he would have made it given the narrative. Even when stalling the SR22, I've never felt mushy controls due to the springs in the controls. If he was 4 miles out at 1,200, he was never going to make the rwy. On the other hand...
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    Pitot Tube Cover

    I'm also surprised you got an airspeed reading; just water in the system had it stay at 0 following a quick thunderstorm during which I didn't put a cover on. This situation on an IFR departure would make things interesting. Looking back at some of my weather decision... not sure how well that...
  11. P

    Princess Cruise Lines...

    Because employees in the front lines care more about the deadline, profit, etc than doing the right thing :rolleyes: I expect that whoever was in command did not realize what was happening.
  12. P

    Hey girl, how much do you weigh?

    I just find a moment in private and ask point blank; I also use the weight I'm given.
  13. P

    What's the craziest "after work and back" trip you do?

    I used to leave in the house at 4:00 a.m. and come back around 2:00 a.m. for one of my trips. I could have gotten back home earlier, but I'm not a big sleeper and it never bothered me for the few times a year I did it.
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    Once in a lifetime sight

  15. P

    How to become a lawyer

    I'm in law school. I was able to work during my undergrad and MBA; if I work during 1L, my life would have been difficult. There is a reason the ABA doesn't want 1L working and most school prohibit it during 1L. I choose to go to law school because it was a personal goal and don't regret it...
  16. P

    Engine Failure - Down to one, then none!

    Cool story. I wonder why the right engine never gave you issues before if it was a mixture issue. Murphy? Not going full rich for a high altitude restart is something that should be taught. Great piece of aviating and nice writeup, it had me on the edge of my seat.
  17. P

    Skymaster Opinions

    There were significant difference between the two airplanes. Never flown a 337 but I have some 0-2 time. IIRC 90 is the speed you want to stay above on one engine. I wasn't impressed by the performance for the fuel burn. I also doubt the performance number given here.
  18. P

    Well, it's official

    I'm going to Stetson in the fall and I've been reading 1L by Scott Turow. I must be crazy because it sounds like a lot of fun to me and I'm looking forward to starting classes. I do hope I'm able to maintain a healthier balance than he did during the first semester. Any words of wisdom?
  19. P

    Taxes, My son gets it!

    Rich people do have the option to leave and it has happened in Europe. My family moved to the USA in part due to taxes. The problems Americans face is that the US is such a great place to leave, option to move away and still have the same standard of living are few and far. However, it is being...
  20. P

    I buy all of my textbooks through Amazon. I've never had an issue.