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  1. mr_happyland

    7/8/23: Bizjet down F70 (French Valley CA)

    Here's a condensed ATC exchange with SoCal that I put together. He initially cancelled IFR, then requested a clearance once he got updated wx, went missed and then tried for another approach.
  2. mr_happyland

    Flight planning from north CA to north WA

    I’ve flown that route a few times…similar-ish route to luvflyin’s example, 10.5 if VFR. Fact of the matter is there are simply a few sections that don’t have good engine out options. You could go further east and it works out a little better, but not worth the xtra time IMO. It’s a beautiful...
  3. mr_happyland

    We laughed our a...... off with the Nor Cal controller today

    Recreational weed has been legal since 2016. That's all I'm sayin'.
  4. mr_happyland

    Highest cruise altitude in an AA5?

    Thx! I actually published an interesting one a few days ago…
  5. mr_happyland

    Advice for flying to Los Angeles

    Flight following is your friend here in SoCal. They are usually very accomadating. You can get that and forget about the C shelf once clear of the Bravo.
  6. mr_happyland

    Highest cruise altitude in an AA5?

    I've taken my Tiger to 14K. Stopped there b/c I didn't have any oxygen. The climb rate was pretty anemic but it probably had a few thousand left in her. I made a YT video about it...but I don't want to pi$$ off the anti-YT'ers here so I won't post the link LOL. I often cruise between 7500 and...
  7. mr_happyland

    Advice for flying to Los Angeles

    I would probably avoid taking the red line these days…especially at night. I’ve ridden it multiple times from downtown to Hollywood/highland but in the past couple of years it has declined. Increased “crazy person” contingent has made it less desirable if other options exist.
  8. mr_happyland

    Advice for flying to Los Angeles

    A more budget-friendly yet still good option for you is Whiteman (KWHP). Easy flying in from the northeast thru the Newhall Pass. Airspace is fairly straightforward. For late June, IFR (or marginal VFR) is a possibility if arriving in the morning. Transient parking is cheap and gas is...
  9. mr_happyland

    SoCal / KWHP departure routing question

    I’ve flown IFR up the central valley via LHS multiple times
  10. mr_happyland

    SoCal / KWHP departure routing question

    I’m based at WHP and to add to the previous reply, I’ve always received vectors by the time I’m outbound on the 325 radial. Never had to fly the entire procedure. If you depart after 8am, plan on waiting a little while for release if VFR isn’t an option.
  11. mr_happyland

    Southern California Shops. Garmin Dealers

    I’ve used Jeff (High Desert) several times and he’s been great. Quality work.
  12. mr_happyland

    Disney Perm Flight Restrictions going away?

    The timing of this resolution by members of the freedom caucus (which began last summer) feels strange. I just can't put my finger on it ;)
  13. mr_happyland


    Every time I fly into L35, I approach near the dam on the far west side of the lake at 9500K and descend to pattern alt at 7,950. According to Flightaware, he passed over the ridge and descended at a high rate of speed. Red X shows final location. Looks possibly like an unstable...
  14. mr_happyland


    Last ADSB rate of decent was -1500. Both wings snapped off. Damn.
  15. mr_happyland

    Using microsoft flight simulator on Mac

    XP12 is great, ignore the doomsday stuff from the other commenter. I would agree, however, that 32GB RAM is a good idea. As with most any flight sim, the faster the CPU the better. I wouldn't find it useful without a yoke. Honeycomb yoke is excellent. Also, for me personally, a laptop screen...
  16. mr_happyland

    State (VT) owned hangar ground leases doubled overnight. What's up with that?

    I hear ya, and knowing my stubbornness perhaps I’d be doing the same if I were in your shoes. I once wasted a day going to court to contest a $200 traffic ticket because I knew that I was in the right. I printed out maps/diagrams to prove my case. Judge ruled against me anyway. While perhaps...
  17. mr_happyland

    State (VT) owned hangar ground leases doubled overnight. What's up with that?

    While perhaps your argument is completely valid and I genuinely wish you success, I find it hard to sympathize for a ground lease increase of $195 per year for a 1500 sq ft hangar. It doesn’t seem that unreasonable.
  18. mr_happyland

    Baja - Mexico charts and insurance

    It's more than just a forum. You can file eAPIS both ways thru there, receive up to date info regarding airport issues, fuel availability, regulations, trip reports etc. Plus the forums are a wealth of info for questions just like yours, frequented by people regularly making trips south of the...
  19. mr_happyland

    L.A. weather

    Mt Baldy, the tallest mountain in LA county is over 10,000 ft. That isn’t a “high hill” unless you’re a Sherpa. Tallest inside city limits is over 5,000 ft. The city has quite a varied terrain.
  20. mr_happyland

    [NA] TicketMaster business model

    That’s not how the money gets split up in reality. Fees are shared among TM, venues and promoters. They all double dip on these fees b/c they collect the fees again when that same ticket is re-sold again on their site by scalpers/resellers. The whole system is f’ed. As much as I like live...