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  1. Shipoke

    Man Vs Nature

    Richard does look very close to me . Dave G
  2. Shipoke


    Welcome Tec. As has been said lots of good Info here,And definately don't be affraid to ask questions(there ae no dumb question,only the ones not asked). And i agree with Adam you need to fill out your profile so the locals can and will help. Welcome again. Dave G.:blueplane: And check in often.
  3. Shipoke

    You guys are killin' me!

    Clockwise...........Dave G:blueplane:
  4. Shipoke

    Happy Birthday Andrew Morrison!

    Me Too. But HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway Andrew Dave G:blueplane:
  5. Shipoke

    RDU Fish Fry SAT, May 23, 2009

    Tom wish i could make it but i'm on call that weekend. Maybe next one Dave G
  6. Shipoke

    Taking my first flight lesson: results

    WELCOME THE WORLD OF AVAITION. SNAG. We love it and you will too, And everyone on PoA board will help and support you. If you have any questions just ASK, we have a Very Knowledgable group here. And remember ther is NO DUMB question. Congrats Dave G.
  7. Shipoke

    Pella, Iowa (PEA) Brunch Today (Sunday)

    Jay i'd love to come, but it's a little to far to fly for lunch. Dave G
  8. Shipoke


    I Like this tip. sounds like something i would do anyway.:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes: Dave G:blueplane:
  9. Shipoke

    Taking My first flight lesson soon...

    YES ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT, And don't forget to post your thoughts afterwards. It will be something you'll remember the rest of your LIFE. Dave G.:blueplane:
  10. Shipoke

    Special Needs Fly-in

    Well there are Special Need Dogs. There was three of them there this year 1 was Deaf and Blind,1 had something wrong with it's back legs and they made him a wheelchair, the other one couldn't walk at all. But the dog i flew was a Search and Rescue Dog ,they wanted to know how he would react if...
  11. Shipoke

    Guess what was in my mailbox when I got home!!!

    Cool Ghery, Now get out there and do some Serious FLYING Dave G
  12. Shipoke

    What A Great Day To Fly.

    Sounds like it was GREAT DAY to me,but what do i know. We had rain all day.(lol) Dave G
  13. Shipoke

    Special Needs Fly-in

    Yes we did. And next year i expect you to be there too. Bob Ciotti was supposed to be there but as he says HE FORGOT. It is always the first Saturday in May. I got a Email today and it said we did 440 take off and landing in 5 hours And yes adam i'm glad it was Saturday and not Sunday. It was...
  14. Shipoke

    Special Needs Fly-in

    Well Diana,i didn't take any pictures but i'm sure someone did and if i geet them i'll post them. But here is a collage of the other year. BTW this was the 17th year we have done this fly-in, and we only had 1 year we didn't fly the kids and that was last year. And thanks again for the intrest...
  15. Shipoke

    Special Needs Fly-in

    Well we ad it and in the mornib=ng when i got there it was drizzling , but it CLEARED UP and we got to fly the kids. I did 9 Flights and flew 8 kids,5 adults and 1 dog. The search and rescue dogs where there and the lady asked if i would fly one of them so she would now how he would act if tey...
  16. Shipoke

    Special Needs Fly-in

    Well Saturday May 2nd is apon us and i'm keeping my fingers crossed for good Wx. We didn't get to fly the kids last year hopefully this year will be better. Everyone cross your fingers for good Wx for us. Dave G:blueplane:
  17. Shipoke

    Mayonnaise Jar & Two Beers...

    Thank You John, i really liked it and copied it and sent it out in a Email. Dave G :blueplane: P.S. Heres to you :cheerswine:
  18. Shipoke

    Top Gun Remake (sort of)

    Now That was Entertaining..................................................Dave(shipoke)
  19. Shipoke

    Gnarled aircraft from Ottowa windstorm PIX

    Did you notice most of the laneswhere Highwings, glad i own a lowwing Dave G
  20. Shipoke

    The Best Video I've Seen Today Will Maake You Smile

    Thanks Keith, I really liked that. Dave G.