What A Great Day To Fly.


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 15, 2008
Husker Nation, NE
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After spending the better part of the day playing with Pro-seal I decided it was time to fly. As I drove the 20 mins. to the airport I called ATIS and was advised winds 300 at 14 gusts to 17knts, few clouds at 9,000', baro 29.71".

I pulled the RV-3 out and completed the preflight, she was ready to roll, and so was I. I tuned in the XM radio to the 60's and let her rip all 115 HP from RWY 35. It was the last time I would touch terraferma for 1.5 hours.

After a steady climb to 11,500' I let her level off to find some cold air. It was 82F on the ground and COLD at alt.

The clouds were higher than reported with bases at 10,500, so I went higher to get on top of the few clouds. Allegedly, :nono: I started playing with the clouds alittle and before I knew it I was at 13,500. Is it 50' below clouds or 500'? I can never remember. :frown2: Okay, so I may have bumped a few clouds. Time to quit. If you are having fun flying you must be breaking some rule. :rofl:.

So at 13,500 for a few mins I decided to head back to the airport and try my hand cross wind landings in the -3. Winds had shifted a tad to 280 @ 15knts. I must say the landings were good.

A good day's end spent getting some attitude adjusted by some altitude. :D

I hate it when the clouds get in the way. :rolleyes:
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Sounds like it was GREAT DAY to me,but what do i know. We had rain all day.(lol)
Dave G
Sounds like it was GREAT DAY to me,but what do i know. We had rain all day.(lol)
Dave G

Bummer! Well, that just makes you apprciate a flying day all that much more. Watch out for those peskie clouds! :rolleyes:
After spending the better part of the day playing with Pro-seal I decided it was time to fly. As I drove the 20 mins. to the airport I called ATIS and was advised winds 300 at 14 gusts to 17knts, few clouds at 9,000', baro 29.71".

I pulled the RV-3 out and completed the preflight, she was ready to roll, and so was I. I tuned in the XM radio to the 60's and let her rip all 115 HP from RWY 35. It was the last time I would touch terraferma for 1.5 hours.

After a steady climb to 11,500' I let her level off to find some cold air. It was 82F on the ground and COLD at alt.

The clouds were higher than reported with bases at 10,500, so I went higher to get on top of the few clouds. Allegedly, :nono: I started playing with the clouds alittle and before I knew it I was at 13,500. Is it 50' below clouds or 500'? I can never remember. :frown2: Okay, so I may have bumped a few clouds. Time to quit. If you are having fun flying you must be breaking some rule. :rofl:.

So at 13,500 for a few mins I decided to head back to the airport and try my hand cross wind landings in the -3. Winds had shifted a tad to 280 @ 15knts. I must say the landings were good.

A good day's end spent getting some attitude adjusted by some altitude. :D

I hate it when the clouds get in the way. :rolleyes:

Flying is the BEST therapy...:smilewinkgrin:...
nice! :)

I've looked at clouds from both sides now,
From up and down, and still somehow,
It's cloud illusions I recall,
I really don't know clouds, at all.

-- Joni Mitchell
nice. one of my favorite flights was about sunset spent bopping around the leftovers of a small rainshaft in an Ercoupe. Window down, cruising around these amazing vertical cloud canyons. It truly is magical.
nice. one of my favorite flights was about sunset spent bopping around the leftovers of a small rainshaft in an Ercoupe. Window down, cruising around these amazing vertical cloud canyons. It truly is magical.

That is what I'm talking about ...right there! It is magical.