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  1. Shipoke

    Happy B-Day Pookie

    Hi Sweetie , Just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Relax and Enjoy it. Dave G:blueplane:
  2. Shipoke

    Pilot killed in accident at Missouri airshow

    We had one here in PA too. but Everyone was OK . Pilot landed at Reagle airfeild in the dark, Said he couldn't get the lights to come on. And landed and run of the end of runway into a feild. My question is "WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO LAND?" there is other airports near by and easily in phone call...
  3. Shipoke

    SEL Night Flight

    I fly at night once in awile, not so much to stay currant but just because i like flying at night and seeing the lights below. Dave G:blueplane:
  4. Shipoke

    Mini Computers

    Well Miisa, i have a ASUS with a 7 inch screen .And i also have a Verizon VX 6700 Pocket PC Phone both are running Window Mobile.The sus has WiFi so you need a hot spot for it. The verizon is a Cell phone so it's good most places. Dave G. here's a link for Asus Eee PC's...
  5. Shipoke

    Stuck on the Beatles bus.

    Well Bob i grew up listening to "The Beatles",My favorite album is the White Album. And YES i saw them on " The Ed Sullivan Show" Damned I'm showing my age. Dave G
  6. Shipoke

    Congratulations, Bobby!

    I'll add my Congrats too Bob................................................GOOD JOB Dave G
  7. Shipoke

    Today I play my senior piano recital!

    I really like ELP " Lucky Man " is my favorite, And YES Keith was the Master of the Hammond M-2 also used a B-3 sometimes. Dave G
  8. Shipoke

    AA1A Book Numbers?

    Nick if you have my Number call me, i did my training in Grummans. Dave G 717-554-8247
  9. Shipoke

    Today I play my senior piano recital!

    GOOD LUCK Jav, I know you will do well. Dave G.
  10. Shipoke

    North East Flyers-July Event

    Gary , that sounds interesting . I'll have to see if i can make it. Dave G
  11. Shipoke

    Chat Application

    I Do . and i'm going there NOW Dave G
  12. Shipoke

    Why I Love Flying Commercial

    ...could it be that most pilots are control freaks anyway?...hum Well Sharon I'n not a control freak, i just dont trust anyone with my life:nonod:.Except maybe Greg, but then he let my fly his 195:yikes:scary thought ain't it Dave G.:blueplane:
  13. Shipoke

    Why I Love Flying Commercial

    Well Spike i never had the pleasure of doing that. I DON'T FLY Commercial, if i cant get there in my plane i dont FLY Dave G P.S. also i've never been on a commercial plane in my life................LOL
  14. Shipoke

    Midwest Dinner tonight?

    Have you guys heard of a place by MO or AR that has a fusalage of an airplane made into a restaurant. I don't recall the name of it but I think Steve was talking about it at Gastons. There was a place here in Hbg Pa tris, It was a DC-10 fuselage But the 72 flood took it away:frown3:. damn i'm...
  15. Shipoke

    World's Fastest R/C Plane Hits 392MPH--With No Engine

    Well i'll just stick with my 5th scale Waco WMF 5 Dave G
  16. Shipoke

    Happy Birthday to Tim M!

    Well I'll add my HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tim Dave G
  17. Shipoke

    An Un-Rain Dance for the Northeast Please!

    Well Dutchess, Congrats on passing the writen. I'm sure you'll get the X/C in and do fine on the flying part of the test. Keep us informed . Dave G
  18. Shipoke

    He's at it again: Taildraggerfun doin' the Mile Hi VIDEO

    Well Kate time you upgraded then:rofl: Seriously you are missing some geart videos. And the commentary is good also. Dave G:blueplane:
  19. Shipoke

    Cedar Rapids Iowa tomorrow

    Bob your going to Iowa, leave your Philly attitude at home:yikes: Just kidding. Have fun and Enjoy the Movie and Food with Jay Dave G.:blueplane:
  20. Shipoke

    Alternatives to Gaston's

    Well Kim i'm with you. Besides i can fly Ed's mooney and get Complex time:D, I get along with Ed very well,i should have taken him up on Gaston's this year but had other commitments, Maybe next year my life will be less complicated. Dave G.:blueplane: