Search results

  1. sshekels

    Old HD to New...

    Ship it to me and I'll see what I can recover for free. If you are interested - PM me. S.
  2. sshekels

    Happy Birthday Diana!!!!!

    Happy Birthday! Go enjoy your wings! :)
  3. sshekels

    Proficient pilots, Family and Work

    I am in the same boat - My advice: Just make the time. It is way too easy to say "I'm tired, too much work to go fly." As Nike says - Just Do It. At 100 hrs - you are much better than most. I look at it as stress relief, fun and part of the "job" I must do to keep the family safe... S.
  4. sshekels

    For those of you with survival kits on board...

    Umm, actually before you decide to blow off this product, consider: 1.) Its cheap - Most impoverished places cant afford a REI filter... 2.) Look at the results: 3.) There is more than just "filtration" going on in this device, as it appears. 4.)...
  5. sshekels

    For those of you with survival kits on board...

    But this is cheap and fits anywhere. For $2.00 why not? One more tool....
  6. sshekels

    For those of you with survival kits on board...

    Here is another link:
  7. sshekels

    Web Board Traffic

    More importantly we can talk about anything and not have it turn into a flame war! S.
  8. sshekels

    Greek Crash - Wrong Freq...

    From CNN: Poor guy is trying to fly and call for help, and he has the radios on the wrong frequency. I feel bad for him. :(
  9. sshekels

    Fly-over for my son's birthday :-)

    "As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly."
  10. sshekels

    That didn't take long

    ya gotta admit the banter "over there" is a bit entertaining. Its a bit like the Python sketch: "I'm here for an argument..." :)
  11. sshekels

    windows messenger mayday [NA]

    Run this reg key - It should prevent messenger from running. Just save it to your disk (desktop is easiest), rename it anything ending in ".reg" and then double click it. When it asks if you want to continue, say yes... I had to rename it as POA does not allow .reg uploads apparently.... Scott
  12. sshekels

    windows messenger mayday [NA]

    If you have XP Pro, its pretty easy - just use gpedit.msc Funny how MS does not have that in XP Home..... Evil, Evil, Evil.... mumbling, walks away....
  13. sshekels

    Garmins! (295 and 296)

    its very nice! I found two bugs so far (not bad) with panning on the map and odd shutdowns (not reproducible). It nice to have XM WX that can be moved into the car or house. Several times in the past month I have had it running at night just to monitor severe storms heading our way...
  14. sshekels

    Garmins! (295 and 296)

    Hi - I have 2 garmins for sale: Garmin 295 - mint condition, manual case, yoke mount. $500 / O.B.O Garmin 296 - mint, manual, yoke mount, AC adapter, DC adapter, etc. $1300 / O.B.O. I have used them both, and like them! Just got a 396, though... Scott
  15. sshekels

    For Sale Forum?

    hmm, I'm for it! I have a Garmin 296, and a 295! :) Commissions to POA?
  16. sshekels

    Cranking a Stearman?

    going with Frank pretty much guarantees it!
  17. sshekels

    Joke from my friend at Pratt Whitney

    Picky, Picky.... Good Joke!
  18. sshekels

    Cranking a Stearman?

    Yup - Even got to log it, past 2 years in a row!! LOL! They rock! Not practical, but VERY cool! S.
  19. sshekels

    Cranking a Stearman?

    My friend Frank mentioned in passing that his Aunt was related to "some guy who made aircraft a while ago..." I was curious and asked a bunch of questions. Turns out she is Madeline Stearman-Carr, and her dad was Lloyd! He then further mentioned that they have this flyin every year, but it was...
  20. sshekels

    Cranking a Stearman?

    Hmm, sounds like a good time to mention the National Stearman Flyin! Come join us! My friends and I will be there, and I have been "adopted" as a Stearman-Carr by his family! S.